Kubernetes kube-apiserver Failing

If Kubernetes encryption has been enabled via the Kubernetes Encryption Documentation and the encryption files have not been restored after a master node rebuild or upgrade, then the kube-apiserver on that node will fail. This document only outlines the fix if the kube-apiserver if it is failing due to Kubernetes encryption not being restored.

If a kube-apiserver is failing because of encryption, the error seen in the kube-apiserver pod logs can look like the error below.

E0724 19:46:36.855160       1 cacher.go:420] cacher (*core.Secret): unexpected ListAndWatch error: failed to list *core.Secret: unable to transform key "/registry/secrets/argo/argo-server-secret": no matching prefix found; reinitializing...
E0724 19:46:37.872059       1 cacher.go:420] cacher (*core.Secret): unexpected ListAndWatch error: failed to list *core.Secret: unable to transform key "/registry/secrets/argo/argo-server-secret": no matching prefix found; reinitializing..


  1. (ncn-m001) Check if Kubernetes encryption is enabled.

    1. Check if all master nodes have the same encryption files. It is possible that a master node that was upgraded or rebuilt does not have the encryption files that exist on the other nodes.

      pdsh -w ncn-m00[1-3] 'ls -lh /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption'

      Expected output if encyrption is not enabled. The current.yaml file should be symbolically linked to the default.yaml file on all master nodes as seen below:

      ncn-m001:~ # pdsh -w ncn-m00[1-3] 'ls -lh /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption'
      ncn-m002: Warning: Permanently added 'ncn-m002,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
      ncn-m003: Warning: Permanently added 'ncn-m003,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
      ncn-m001: Warning: Permanently added 'ncn-m001' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
      ncn-m001: total 4.0K
      ncn-m001: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  44 Jul  6 21:01 current.yaml -> /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption/default.yaml
      ncn-m001: -r-------- 1 root root 151 Jul  6 21:01 default.yaml
      ncn-m002: total 4.0K
      ncn-m002: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  44 Jul  6 19:33 current.yaml -> /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption/default.yaml
      ncn-m002: -r-------- 1 root root 151 Jul  6 19:33 default.yaml
      ncn-m003: total 4.0K
      ncn-m003: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  44 Jul  6 19:34 current.yaml -> /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption/default.yaml
      ncn-m003: -r-------- 1 root root 151 Jul  6 19:34 default.yaml

      Expected output if encryption is enabled but has not been restored on a single master node. The current.yaml file is symbolically linked to the default.yaml file on only one master node:

      ncn-m001:~ # pdsh -w ncn-m00[1-3] 'ls -lh /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption'
      ncn-m001: Warning: Permanently added 'ncn-m001,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
      ncn-m002: Warning: Permanently added 'ncn-m002' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
      ncn-m002: total 8.0K
      ncn-m002: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  69 Jul 23 22:22 current.yaml -> d857284b70d5157900ee74db5c2ba802f05f7e0d066e91c83c8832d373dd271a.yaml
      ncn-m002: -rw------- 1 root root 334 Jul 23 22:21 d857284b70d5157900ee74db5c2ba802f05f7e0d066e91c83c8832d373dd271a.yaml
      ncn-m002: -r-------- 1 root root 151 Jul  6 19:33 default.yaml
      ncn-m001: total 4.0K
      ncn-m001: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  44 Jul  6 21:01 current.yaml -> /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption/default.yaml
      ncn-m001: -r-------- 1 root root 151 Jul  6 21:01 default.yaml
      ncn-m003: total 8.0K
      ncn-m003: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  69 Jul 23 22:20 current.yaml -> d857284b70d5157900ee74db5c2ba802f05f7e0d066e91c83c8832d373dd271a.yaml
      ncn-m003: -rw------- 1 root root 334 Jul 23 22:19 d857284b70d5157900ee74db5c2ba802f05f7e0d066e91c83c8832d373dd271a.yaml
      ncn-m003: -r-------- 1 root root 151 Jul  6 19:34 default.yaml
    2. Check the status of Kubernetes encryption.

      /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/kubernetes/encryption.sh --status

      Expected output if encyrption is not enabled:

      ncn-m001:~ # /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/kubernetes/encryption.sh --status
      k8s encryption status
      changed: 2024-07-06 20:07:35+0000
      ncn-m001: identity
      ncn-m002: identity
      ncn-m003: dentity
      current: identity
      goal: identity
      etcd: identity

      Expected output if encryption is enabled but has not been restored on a single master node:

      ncn-m001:~ # /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/kubernetes/encryption.sh --status
      k8s encryption status
      changed: 2024-07-06 20:07:35+0000
      ncn-m001: identity
      ncn-m002: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656 identity
      ncn-m003: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656 identity
      current: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656
      goal: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656
      etcd: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656
      interim state detected, ensure all control plane nodes are in sync

      Expected output if encryption is enabled on all master nodes:

      ncn-m001:~ # /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/kubernetes/encryption.sh --status
      k8s encryption status
      changed: 2024-07-06 20:07:35+0000
      ncn-m001: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656 identity
      ncn-m002: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656 identity
      ncn-m003: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656 identity
      current: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656
      goal: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656
      etcd: aescbc-625e61a4ebe4d3ddf8b5eec3b546663945b837d53ca966d72e49b42cdae4e656

    If Kubernetes encryption is set up on the system and is enabled on all master nodes, then there is nothing more to do. Follow the next step if Kubernetes encryption is not correctly set up on a master node.

  2. Set up Kubernetes encryption on the master node that does not have it enabled. All of the steps below should be performed from the node where encryption needs to be enabled.

    1. ssh the node name where encryption needs to be enabled.

    2. From the node where encryption needs to be enabled, set the environment variable SRC_NODE to be another master node which contains the correct configuration files.

    3. Copy /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption files from the SRC_NODE to the node where encryption needs to be enaled.

      scp ${SRC_NODE}:/etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption/* /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption/
    4. Symbolically link the current.yaml file to the correct encryption file.

      function link_file() {
          linked_file=$(ssh ${SRC_NODE} 'readlink /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption/current.yaml')
          cd /etc/cray/kubernetes/encryption
          rm current.yaml
          ln -s ${linked_file} current.yaml
          ls -lh
    5. Restart kube-apiserver on the node where Kubernetes encryption is being enabled. This should be the same node that the kube-apiserver is failing on and why this troubleshooting document is being followed.

      function restart_kubeapiserver() {
          crictl ps | grep kube-apiserver
          container_id=$(crictl ps | grep kube-apiserver | awk '{ print $1 }')
          crictl stop $container_id
          while [[ -z $(crictl ps | grep kube-apiserver) ]]; do
            echo "waiting for kube-apiserver to start"
            sleep 5
          crictl ps | grep kube-apiserver
  3. (ncn-m001#) Check that encryption is enabled on all master nodes. This may take 10 minutes to for the output to reflect an encryption change. Please see the Kubernetes Encryption Documentation for details.

    /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/kubernetes/encryption.sh --status
  4. (ncn-m001#) Check that all kube-apiserver pods are running.

    kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l component=kube-apiserver