CSM 1.3.1 Patch Installation Instructions


This document guides an administrator through the patch update to Cray Systems Management v1.3.1 from v1.3.0. If upgrading from CSM v1.2.2 directly to v1.3.1, follow the procedures described in Upgrade CSM instead.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Update cfs-operator for fixed session memory limits.
  • Fix HSN NIC numbering in SMD for devices managed by HPE Proliant iLO (Redfish).
  • Restrict accessible Keycloak endpoints in OPA Policy. Require use of CMN LB for Keycloak master realm or admin.
  • Fix Prometheus error with web hook for node exporter fix.
  • Add support for collapsing session layers in CFS.
  • Mitigate security issue for Kea regarding RFC 8357 support.
  • Increase CoreDNS forwarding max_concurrent tuning to 10000.
  • Remove deprecated Kubernetes API use in cray-dns-unbound.
  • Allow BOS non-rootfs_providers to specify root=<values> in parameters sessiontemplates.
  • Mitigate Keycloak vulnerability CVE-2020-10770 via OPA Policy (API AuthZ).
  • Add a message key (hms-collector) to Kafka messages to ensure events are sent to the same Kafka partition. The message key is the BMC Xname concatenated with the Redfish Event Message ID. For example x3000c0s11b4.EventLog.1.0.PowerStatusChange.
  • Update FAS actions test to only require at least one ‘Ready’ BMC.
  • Add TPM configuration support in SCSD.
  • Remove Hexane repo from RPM index.
  • Move Spire jwks URL in cray-opa to ingress gateway.
  • Fix unbound forward to PowerDNS does not working in an air-gapped configuration.
  • Update cfs-operator to remove the high priority on pods.
  • Add cray-console-* timeout to allow more time for post-upgrade hooks to complete.
  • Increase cray-dhcp-kea timeout on readiness check to from default value.
  • Fix stuck sessions during staged shutdown operations in BOS v2.
  • Add ‘retry’ in IMS when fetching files from S3.
  • Update documentation to run Ceph latency adjustment script during install and upgrade.
  • Add documentation to remove private key from SLS loadstate and dumpstate.
  • Add documentation and tooling for Ceph latency recovery.
  • Add documentation to resolve issue with Unbound not forwarding to PowerDNS in air-gapped configurations.
  • Add documentation to increase fs.inotify.max_user_watches on Kubernetes worker nodes in response to kubectl logs -f returning no space errors.


  1. Preparation
  2. Setup Nexus
  3. Upgrade services
  4. Update test suite packages
  5. Verification
  6. Complete upgrade


  1. (ncn-m001#) Start a typescript on ncn-m001 to capture the commands and output from this procedure.

    script -af csm-update.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt
    export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '
  2. Download and extract the CSM v1.3.1 release to ncn-m001.

    See Download and Extract CSM Product Release.

  3. (ncn-m001#) Set CSM_DISTDIR to the directory of the extracted files.

    IMPORTANT: If necessary, change this command to match the actual location of the extracted files.

    echo "${CSM_DISTDIR}"
  4. (ncn-m001#) Set CSM_RELEASE_VERSION to the CSM release version.

    export CSM_RELEASE_VERSION="$(${CSM_DISTDIR}/lib/version.sh --version)"
  5. Download and install/upgrade the latest documentation on ncn-m001.

    See Check for Latest Documentation.

Setup Nexus

(ncn-m001#) Run lib/setup-nexus.sh to configure Nexus and upload new CSM RPM repositories, container images, and Helm charts:

./lib/setup-nexus.sh ; echo "RC=$?"

On success, setup-nexus.sh will output OK on stderr and exit with status code 0. For example:

+ Nexus setup complete
setup-nexus.sh: OK

In the event of an error, consult Troubleshoot Nexus to resolve potential problems and then try running setup-nexus.sh again. Note that subsequent runs of setup-nexus.sh may report FAIL when uploading duplicate assets. This is okay as long as setup-nexus.sh outputs setup-nexus.sh: OK and exits with status code 0.

Upgrade services

(ncn-m001#) Run upgrade.sh to deploy upgraded CSM applications and services:


Update test suite packages

(ncn-m001#) Update select RPMs on the NCNs.

NOTE: The following message may be emitted after running the following zypper command. The message can be safely ignored.

You may wish to restart these processes.
See 'man zypper' for information about the meaning of values in the above table.
No core libraries or services have been updated since the last system boot.
Reboot is probably not necessary.
pdsh -b -S -w $(grep -oP 'ncn-\w\d+' /etc/hosts | sort -u |  tr -t '\n' ',') \
    'zypper install -y hpe-csm-goss-package csm-testing goss-servers && systemctl enable goss-servers && systemctl restart goss-servers' \
    && echo PASSED || echo FAILED


  1. Verify that the new CSM version is in the product catalog.

    (ncn-m001#) Verify that the new CSM version is listed in the output of the following command:

    kubectl get cm cray-product-catalog -n services -o jsonpath='{.data.csm}' | yq r -j - | jq -r 'to_entries[] | .key' | sort -V

    Example output that includes the new CSM version (1.3.1):

  2. Confirm that the product catalog has an accurate timestamp for the CSM upgrade.

    (ncn-m001#) Confirm that the import_date reflects the timestamp of the upgrade.

    kubectl get cm cray-product-catalog -n services -o jsonpath='{.data.csm}' | yq r  - '"1.3.1".configuration.import_date'

Complete upgrade

(ncn-m001#) Remember to exit the typescript that was started at the beginning of the upgrade.


It is recommended to save the typescript file for later reference.