NCN Plan of Record

This document outlines the hardware necessary to meet CSM’s Plan of Record (PoR). This serves as the minimum, necessary pieces required per each server in the management plane.

  1. If the system’s NICs do not align to the PoR NICs outlined below (e.g. Onboard NICs are used instead of PCIe), then follow Customize PCIe Hardware before booting the NCN(s).
  2. If there are more disks than what is listed below in the PoR for disks, then follow Customize Disk Hardware before booting the NCN(s).


A minimum size1 is denoted for each disk

Minimum Size (bytes) Quantity Purpose NCN Role(s)
375809638400 22 Operating System RAID3 k8s-masters, k8s-workers, and storage-ceph
375809638400 1 etcd k8s-masters
1048576000000 1 containerd and kubelet k8s-workers

NOTE Storage-CEPH nodes require disks for CEPH OSDs; we recommend using 6x 1.92TiB disks for this purpose. It is important to note that neither the quantity nor a minimum size is enforced for these disks, the Storage-CEPH installer will consume any and all disks that do not have a partition table and that are locally attached to the node.


Kubernetes Masters

NOTE: The 2nd port on each card is unused/empty (reserved for future use).

  • Management Network: 2x PCIe cards, with 1 or 2 heads/ports each for a total of 4 ports split between two PCIe cards

Kubernetes Workers

NOTE: There is no PCIe redundancy for the management network for worker NCNs. The only redundancy set up for workers is port redundancy.

  • Management Network: 1x PCIe card with 2 heads/ports for a total of 2 ports dedicated to a single PCIe card
  • High-Speed Network: 1x PCIe card capable of 100Gbps (e.g. ConnectX-5 or Cassini), with 1 or 2 heads/ports

Ceph Storage

NOTE: The 2nd port on each card is filled but not configured (reserved for future use).

  • Management Network: 2x PCIe cards, each with two heads/ports for a total of four ports split between two PCIe cards

  1. Size is compared using -ge (>=); a disk must be equal or larger to the minimum size for it to be applicable for the denoted purpose. ↩︎

  2. The number of disks needed is configurable, see metal.disks ↩︎

  3. The RAID is configurable, see ↩︎