Collecting NCN MAC Addresses

This procedure details how to collect the NCN MAC addresses from an HPE Cray EX system. The MAC addresses needed for the Bootstrap MAC, Bond0 MAC0, and Bond0 MAC1 columns in ncn_metadata.csv will be collected. This data will feed into the cloud-init metadata.

The Bootstrap MAC address will be used for identification of this node during the early part of the PXE boot process, before the bonded interface can be established.

Bond0 MAC0 and Bond0 MAC1 are the MAC addresses for the physical interfaces that the node will use for the various VLANs. Bond0 MAC0 and Bond0 MAC1 should be on different network cards in order to establish redundancy for a failed network card. On the other hand, this is not an absolute requirement. If the node has only a single network card, then this will force MAC1 and MAC0 to reside on the same physical card; while not optimal, this will still produce a valid configuration.


The easy way to do this leverages the NIC dump provided by the metal-ipxe package on the LiveCD. This option is outlined in Procedure: iPXE consoles.

The alternative is to use serial cables (or SSH) to collect the MAC addresses from the switch ARP tables. This can become exponentially difficult for large systems, and is not recommended. This option is outlined in Procedure: Serial consoles.

Procedure: iPXE consoles

This procedure is faster for those with the LiveCD (CRAY Pre-Install Toolkit). It can be used to quickly boot-check nodes to dump network device information without an operating system. This works by accessing the PCI configuration space.

MAC address collection

  1. (pit#) Modify the boot so that nodes stop network booting after dumping their network devices.

    NOTE Removing the iPXE script will prevent network booting. Be aware that the nodes may still disk boot.

    mv -v /var/www/boot/script.ipxe /var/www/boot/script.ipxe.bak
  2. (pit#) Verify that consoles are active with conman -q.

    The following command lists all nodes that ConMan is configured to monitor.

    conman -q
  3. (pit#) Set the nodes to PXE boot and restart them.

    1. Record the username for the NCN BMCs.

    2. Record the password for this user.

      read -r -s -p "NCN BMC ${USERNAME} password: " IPMI_PASSWORD
    3. Set the nodes to PXE boot and restart them.

      export IPMI_PASSWORD
      grep -oP "(${mtoken}|${stoken}|${wtoken})" /etc/dnsmasq.d/statics.conf | sort -u | xargs -t -i ipmitool -I lanplus -U "${USERNAME}" -E -H {} chassis bootdev pxe options=persistent
      grep -oP "(${mtoken}|${stoken}|${wtoken})" /etc/dnsmasq.d/statics.conf | sort -u | xargs -t -i ipmitool -I lanplus -U "${USERNAME}" -E -H {} chassis bootdev pxe options=efiboot
      grep -oP "(${mtoken}|${stoken}|${wtoken})" /etc/dnsmasq.d/statics.conf | sort -u | xargs -t -i ipmitool -I lanplus -U "${USERNAME}" -E -H {} power off
      sleep 10
      grep -oP "(${mtoken}|${stoken}|${wtoken})" /etc/dnsmasq.d/statics.conf | sort -u | xargs -t -i ipmitool -I lanplus -U "${USERNAME}" -E -H {} power on
  4. (pit#) Wait for the nodes to network boot.

    This can be monitored using ConMan; the -m option follows the console output in read-only mode, and the -j option joins an interactive console session. The available node names were listed in step 2 above. The boot usually starts in less than 3 minutes. After that, log data should start flowing through ConMan; the speed depends on how quickly the nodes POST. To see a ConMan help screen for all supported escape sequences, use &?.

    conman -m ncn-m002-mgmt
  5. (pit#) Exit ConMan.

    This is done by typing &. (that is, press and release &, then press and release .).

  6. (pit#) Print off what has been found in the console logs.

    This snippet will omit duplicates from multiple boot attempts:

    for file in /var/log/conman/*; do
        echo ${file}
        grep -Eoh '(net[0-9] MAC .*)' "${file}" | sort -u | grep PCI && echo -----
  7. (pit#) Examine the output to identify Bond0 MAC addresses for each NCN.

    Use the lowest value MAC address per PCIe card.

    Example: One PCIe card with two ports, for a total of two ports per node.

    net2 MAC b8:59:9f:d9:9e:2c PCI.DeviceID 1013 PCI.VendorID 15b3 <-bond0-mac0 (0x2c < 0x2d)
    net3 MAC b8:59:9f:d9:9e:2d PCI.DeviceID 1013 PCI.VendorID 15b3 <-bond0-mac1

    The above output identifies MAC0 and MAC1 of the bond as b8:59:9f:d9:9e:2c and b8:59:9f:d9:9e:2d, respectively.

    Example: Two PCIe cards with two ports each, for a total of four ports per node.

    net0 MAC 94:40:c9:5f:b5:df PCI.DeviceID 8070 PCI.VendorID 1077 <-bond0-mac0 (0xdf < 0xe0)
    net1 MAC 94:40:c9:5f:b5:e0 PCI.DeviceID 8070 PCI.VendorID 1077 (future use)
    net2 MAC 14:02:ec:da:b9:98 PCI.DeviceID 8070 PCI.VendorID 1077 <-bond0-mac1 (0x98 < 0x99)
    net3 MAC 14:02:ec:da:b9:99 PCI.DeviceID 8070 PCI.VendorID 1077 (future use)

    The above output identifies MAC0 and MAC1 of the bond as 94:40:c9:5f:b5:df and 14:02:ec:da:b9:99, respectively.

  8. (pit#) Collect the NCN MAC address for the PIT node.

    This information will be used to populate the MAC addresses for ncn-m001.

    grep -i perm /proc/net/bonding/bond0

    For example:

    Permanent HW addr: b8:59:9f:c7:12:f2 <-bond0-mac0
    Permanent HW addr: b8:59:9f:c7:12:f3 <-bond0-mac1
  9. (pit#) Update ncn_metadata.csv with the collected MAC addresses for Bond0 from all of the management NCNs.

    NOTE: Each type of NCN (master, storage, and worker) are grouped together in the file and are listed in descending numerical order within their group (for example, ncn-s003 is listed directly before ncn-s002).

    For each NCN, update the corresponding row in ncn_metadata with the values for Bond0 MAC0 and Bond0 MAC1. For Bootstrap MAC, copy the value from Bond0 MAC0.

    Xname,Role,Subrole,BMC MAC,Bootstrap MAC,Bond0 MAC0,Bond0 MAC1
                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                      bond0-mac0        bond0-mac0        bond0-mac1
  10. (pit#) If the script.ipxe file was renamed in the first step of this procedure, then restore it to its original location.

    mv -v /var/www/boot/script.ipxe.bak /var/www/boot/script.ipxe

Procedure: Serial consoles

Pick out the MAC addresses for the Bond from both the sw-spine-001 and sw-spine-002 switches, following the Collecting BMC MAC Addresses procedure.

NOTE The node must be booted into an operating system in order for the Bond MAC addresses to appear on the spine switches.

A PCIe card with dual-heads may go to either spine switch, meaning MAC0 must be collected from spine-01. Refer to the cabling diagram or the actual rack (in-person).

  1. Follow Metadata BMC on each spine switch that port1 and port2 of the bond are plugged into.

  2. Usually the 2nd/3rd/4th/Nth MAC address on the PCIe card will be a 0x1 or 0x2 deviation from the first port.

    Collection is quicker if this can be easily confirmed.