Compute Node Boot Issue Symptom: Node is Not Able to Download the Required Artifacts

If either or both of the kernel or the initrd boot artifacts are missing from the artifact repository, Boot Script Service (BSS), or both, the node will not be able to download the required boot artifacts and will fail to boot.


The node’s console or log will display lines beginning with, ‘’Could not start download’’. Refer to the image below for an example of this error message.

BSS Missing Artifact

Problem Detection

Use the following command from a non-compute node (NCN) to see which boot artifacts BSS assumes as those used for booting the node.

cray bss bootparameters list

Each boot artifact has a download URL, as shown in the following example output:

kernel = "s3://boot-images/dc87a741-f7cc-4167-afae-592c5a8ca7ec/vmlinuz-4.12.14-197.29_9.1.14-cray_shasta_c"

kernel = "s3://boot-images/89e5a1dc-0caa-418a-9742-a832829db0ab/kernel"

kernel = "s3://boot-images/97b548b9-2ea9-45c9-95ba-dfc77e5522eb/kernel"

kernel = "s3://boot-images/29c2cc23-a9d6-4e9a-ab1a-b5fa9270c975/kernel"

initrd = "s3://boot-images/dc87a741-f7cc-4167-afae-592c5a8ca7ec/initrd-4.12.14-197.29_9.1.14-cray_shasta_c"

initrd = "s3://boot-images/97b548b9-2ea9-45c9-95ba-dfc77e5522eb/initrd"

initrd = "s3://boot-images/89e5a1dc-0caa-418a-9742-a832829db0ab/initrd"

initrd = "s3://boot-images/29c2cc23-a9d6-4e9a-ab1a-b5fa9270c975/initrd"

params = "console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 initrd=37103ceb-3813-45ba-85b0-a8fc53edd5da   rw selinux=0 nofb ip=dhcp rd.neednet=1 rd.retry=60 crashkernel=360M reds=use_server api_gw_ip=api-gw-service-nmn.local"

initrd = "s3://boot-images/97b548b9-2ea9-45c9-95ba-dfc77e5522eb/initrd"
hosts = [ "Unknown-x86_64",]
kernel = "s3://boot-images/97b548b9-2ea9-45c9-95ba-dfc77e5522eb/kernel"

Use the artifact’s S3 key to download it:


For example, if s3://boot-images/97b548b9-2ea9-45c9-95ba-dfc77e5522eb/initrd is the S3 URI for the file initrd, run the following command:

cray artifacts get boot-images \
97b548b9-2ea9-45c9-95ba-dfc77e5522eb/initrd initrd

This command will return 404 errors if the specified object does not exist in the S3 bucket.


Ensure that the required boot artifacts are stored in the artifact repository and/or BSS. If the artifact’s name is different than what is already in BSS, then BSS needs to be updated to match.