Troubleshoot Compute Node Boot Issues Related to the Boot Script Service (BSS)

Boot Script Service (BSS) delivers a boot script to a node based on its MAC address. This boot script tells the node where to obtain its boot artifacts, which include:

  • kernel
  • initrd

In addition, the boot script also contains the kernel boot parameters. This procedure helps resolve issues related to missing boot artifacts.


This procedure requires administrative privileges.


Encryption of compute node logs is not enabled, so the passwords may be passed in clear text.


  1. (ncn-mw#) Check that BSS is running.

    kubectl get pods -n services -o wide | grep cray-bss | grep -v -etcd-

    Example output:

    cray-bss-fd888bd54-gvpxq       2/2     Running     0      2d3h   ncn-w002   <none>    <none>
  2. (ncn-mw#) Check that the boot script of the node that is failing to boot contains the correct boot artifacts.

    • If nodes are identified by their host names, then execute the following:

      cray bss bootparameters list --hosts HOST_NAME
    • If nodes are identified by their node IDs, then execute the following:

      cray bss bootparameters list --nids NODE_ID
  3. (ncn-mw#) View the entire BSS contents.

    cray bss dumpstate list
  4. (ncn-mw#) View the actual boot script.

    • Using host name:

      cray bss bootscript list --host HOST_NAME
    • Using the MAC address:

      cray bss bootscript list --mac MAC_ADDRESS
    • Using node ID:

      cray bss bootscript list --nid NODE_ID