CFS Commands Cheat Sheet

This page is a quick reference for common CFS commands in the Cray CLI.

To find the API versions of any commands listed, add -vvv to the end of the CLI command, and the CLI will print the underlying call to the API in the output. For more information about the CFS API, see Configuration Framework Service.

Managing configurations

  • (ncn-mw#) Create or update a configuration:

    cray cfs v3 configurations update <example-config> --file <./example-config.json>

    See CFS Configurations for more information.

Managing components

  • (ncn-mw#) Enable or disable automatic configuration for a component:

    cray cfs v3 components update <xname> --enabled <true/false>
  • (ncn-mw#) Set the desired configuration for a component:

    cray cfs v3 components update <xname> --desired-config <example-config>
  • (ncn-mw#) Clear the state and trigger configuration on a component:

    cray cfs v3 components update <xname> --enabled true --state []
  • (ncn-mw#) View basic information about component status:

    cray cfs v3 components describe <xname>
  • (ncn-mw#) View the list of all playbooks applied to a component:

    cray cfs v3 components describe <xname> --state-details true

See CFS Components for more information.

Managing sessions

  • (ncn-mw#) Create a node personalization session:

    cray cfs v3 sessions create --name <session name> --configuration-name <config name> --ansible-limit <xname1,xname2,...>
  • (ncn-mw#) Customize an image:

    cray cfs v3 sessions create --name <session name> --configuration-name <config name> --target-definition image --target-group <group name, e.g. Compute> <source image id>
  • (ncn-mw#) Customize an image and specify the name of the resulting image:

    cray cfs v3 sessions create --name <session name> --configuration-name <config name> --target-definition image --target-group <group name, e.g. Compute> <source image id> --target-image-map <source image id> <resulting image name>
  • (ncn-mw#) View session status:

    cray cfs v3 sessions describe <session name>
  • (ncn-mw#) Delete a session:

    cray cfs v3 sessions delete <session name>

See CFS Sessions for more information.


  • (ncn-mw#) Create a session that will remain after failure:

    cray cfs v3 sessions create --name <session name> --configuration-name <config name> --ansible-limit <xname1,xname2,...> --debug-on-failure true
  • (ncn-mw#) Customize an image customization session that will remain after failure:

    cray cfs v3 sessions create --name <session name> --configuration-name <config name> --target-definition image --target-group <group name, e.g. Compute> <source image id> --debug-on-failure true
  • (ncn-mw#) Create a test session for debugging from an Ansible container:

    cray cfs v3 sessions create --name <session name> --configuration-name debug_fail --debug-on-failure true

See Troubleshoot CFS Issues for more information.