Configure Ansible

The Configuration Framework Service (CFS) allows users to configure Ansible in the Ansible Execution Environment (AEE). The default Ansible configuration file is accessible through the cfs-default-ansible-cfg Kubernetes ConfigMap in the services namespace. Administrators can either update the existing ConfigMap, or create separate ConfigMaps to allow easy switching between Ansible configurations.

See the Ansible Configuration external documentation for more information about what values can be set.

WARNING: Much of the configuration in this file is required by CFS to function properly. Particularly the cfs_aggregator callback plug-in, which is used for reporting configuration state to the CFS APIs, and the cfs_* strategy plug-ins. Exercise extreme caution when making changes to this ConfigMap’s contents. See Ansible Execution Environments for more information.

Update the default ansible.cfg file

(ncn-mw#) To view the ansible.cfg file:

kubectl edit cm -n services cfs-default-ansible-cfg

Create a new ansible.cfg file

Administrators who want to make changes to the ansible.cfg file on a per-session or system-wide basis can upload a new file to a new ConfigMap in the services namespace, and then direct CFS to use their file.

  1. Create a new ansible.cfg file.

  2. (ncn-mw#) Create a new Kubernetes ConfigMap in the services namespace from this ansible.cfg file.

    kubectl create configmap custom-ansible-cfg -n services --from-file=ansible.cfg

Use a custom ansible.cfg file

(ncn-mw#) The default Ansible configuration can be changed at a global level by updating the default_ansible_config option. See CFS Global Options for more information on this setting global options.

cray cfs v3 options update --default-ansible-config <custom-ansible-cfg>

(ncn-mw#) Alternatively, it is possible to specify the Ansible configuration to be used for a single CFS session using the ansible_config option.

cray cfs v3 sessions create --name <session-name> --configuration-name <config-name> --ansible-config <custom-ansible-cfg>