Target Ansible Tasks for Image Customization

The Configuration Framework Service (CFS) enables Ansible playbooks to run against both running nodes (node personalization) and images prior to boot(image customization). See Configuration Management Use Cases for more information about image customization and when it should be used.

Using the cfs_image host group

During image customization, CFS will automatically add all image customization hosts into a special cfs_image host group in Ansible inventory. Plays intended for image customization can then target this group in addition to any other provided host groups.

To target only image customization, plays should use the following syntax. In this example the play is targeting only images for Compute nodes. & takes the intersection of the Compute and cfs_image groups.

hosts: Compute:&cfs_image

To target only node personalization, plays should use the following syntax. In this example the play is targeting only running Compute nodes. ! negates the cfs_image group, so that only Compute nodes that are not an image are targeted.

hosts: Compute:!cfs_image

For more information on complex host targets, see the Ansible Hosts Documentation.

Example: Using the cfs_image host group for image customization

- name: Image customization play
  hosts: Management_Worker:&cfs_image
    - include_role:
        role: cos-services-install

- name: Node personalization play  
  hosts: Management_Worker:!cfs_image
    - include_role: 
        role: cos-services-restart

Using the cray_cfs_image variable

** NOTE ** This option is no longer recommended and should only be used in small playbooks and one-off cases as it is more efficient for Ansible to determine this at the host level rather than checking the cray_cfs_image variable for multiple tasks. The preferred method is to use the aforementioned cfs_image host group.

CFS also provides the cray_cfs_image variable to distinguish between node personalization and image customization. cray_cfs_image can be used with Ansible playbook conditionals to selectively run individual tasks with when: cray_cfs_image, or to ignore individual tasks with when: not cray_cfs_image.

Conditionals can also be applied to entire roles if desired (see the external apply Ansible conditionals to roles. In instances where the same playbook may be run in both modes, it is best practice to include a conditional on all parts of the playbook. This is best done by placing the conditional on an include_* statement. See Write Ansible Code for CFS: Reduce wasted time for more information on optimizing conditionals.

It is best practice to include a default in Ansible roles for playbook and role portability because CFS injects this variable at runtime. This can be done in the defaults section of the role, or where the variable is called. For example:

{{ cray_cfs_image | default(false) }}

If a default is not provided, any playbooks or roles will not be runnable outside of the CFS Ansible Execution Environment (AEE) without the user specifying cray_cfs_image in the vars files or with the Ansible extra-vars options.

CFS automatically sets this variable in the hosts/01-cfs-generated.yaml file for all sessions. When the session target is image customization, it sets cray_cfs_image to true; otherwise, it is false.

Image Management Service (IMS) variable passthrough

IMS provides environment variables during image customization only for the purposes of further describing an image environment. This allows users to write their own Ansible tasks that can key off of this specific information in order to contextually configure an image correctly, regardless of where the host operating system is hosted. This is helpful in a number of scenarios, including when writing Ansible tasks specific to DKMS or for use with multi-architecture specific Ansible tasks.

The full set of variables exposed is provided as an Ansible role alongside the cfs-config Git project within version control, and will be updated with the full set of variables, and a sample task to output the current read values, in the form of an Ansible role contained therein. See related documentation about version control for an up-to-date set of variables that IMS exposes during image customization. The csm.ims-passthrough role and accompanying role documentation for a sample playbook that demonstrates how this can be used.

As IMS is not involved during node personalization, it does not provide these variables. Ansible playbooks that are written to target both image customization and node personalization use cases should choose sane defaults, so that the correct behavior is selected when the task is run.

Image customization limitations

When running Ansible against an IMS-hosted image root during an image customization CFS session, there are no special requirements for the paths when copying or syncing files. The image root directories will appears as if Ansible is connecting to a regular, live node. However, the image is not a running node, so actions that require a running system, such as starting/reloading a service, will not work properly and will cause the Ansible play to fail. Actions like these should be done only during live-node configuration modes such as node personalization.