Exporting and Importing IMS Data

IMS public keys, images, and recipes, including associated artifacts stored in Ceph Simple Storage Service (S3), can be exported and imported using an automated script.



(ncn-mw#) The export_ims_data.py script will create a tar file backup of the contents of IMS and the associated S3 artifacts. In addition, it backs up any S3 artifacts whose links are found in Boot Orchestration Service (BOS) session templates, Boot Script Service (BSS) boot parameters, or the Cray product catalog.

  • This tar file may be very large, depending on how many images are in IMS. By default the script will create the tar file in the current directory. If desired, an alternative directory may be specified by appending its path to the command line arguments.
  • Run the script with the --help argument to see full usage options.

On success, the final lines of output will resemble the following:

Data saved to tar archive: /root/export-ims-data-20231013161618.084854-naswhadt.tar


The import_ims_data.py script can be used to import the previously exported IMS public keys, images, and recipes. It also imports the backed up S3 artifacts.

There are three types of imports possible:

  • add

    In an add import, any IMS resources present in the exported data that are not present in IMS will be created. No resources in IMS will be deleted or changed.

  • overwrite

    All jobs and resources in IMS are cleared, including deleted resources and associated S3 artifacts. Then an add import is performed.

  • soft_overwrite

    All IMS jobs are deleted. Soft deletes are done on all existing IMS resources whose IDs are not associated with resources being imported. Hard deletes (including associated S3 artifacts) are done on all existing IMS resources whose IDs are associated with resources being imported. Then an add import is performed.

  • update

    For any resources which exist in both IMS and the exported data, if there is a difference, then IMS is updated to match the exported data. In addition, an add import is performed. No resources in IMS are deleted.

(ncn-mw#) Run the script and specify the type of import and the path to the tar file created by the export script.

  • This tar file may be very large, depending on how many images it contains. By default the script will expand the tar file in the current directory. If desired, an alternative directory may be specified with the -w argument.
  • Run the script with the --help argument to see full usage options.
/usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/configuration/import_ims_data.py -f <path-to-tar file> <add|overwrite|soft_overwrite|update>

On success, the final lines of output will resemble the following:

Waiting for rolling restart to complete (this may take a few minutes)