Download and expand recipe archives from S3 and IMS. Modify and upload a recipe archive, and then register that recipe archive with IMS.
, the Image Management Service (IMS)root
) Locate the desired recipe to download from S3.
There may be multiple records returned. Ensure that the correct record is selected in the returned data.
cray ims recipes list --format toml
Excerpt from example output:
id = "76ef564d-47d5-415a-bcef-d6022a416c3c"
name = "cray-sles15-barebones"
created = "2020-02-05T19:24:22.621448+00:00"
arch = "x86_64"
require_dkms = false
path = "s3://ims/recipes/76ef564d-47d5-415a-bcef-d6022a416c3c/cray-sles15-barebones.tgz"
etag = "28f3d78c8cceca2083d7d3090d96bbb7"
type = "s3"
) Create variables for the S3 bucket
and key
values from the S3 path
in the returned data of the previous step.
) Download the recipe archive.
Use the variables created in the previous step when running the following command.
) Expand the recipe with tar
mkdir image-recipe
tar xvf $ARTIFACT_FILENAME -C image-recipe
Modify the recipe by editing the files and subdirectories in the image-recipe
A Kiwi recipe consists of multiple files and directories, which together define the repositories, packages, and post-install actions to take during the Kiwi build process.
file to modify the name of the recipe, the set of RPM packages being installed, or the RPM repositories being
) and the root/overlay directory. To learn how these can be used to add specific configuration to the image
root, see the Kiwi-NG documentation.(ncn-mw#
) Locate the directory containing the Kiwi-NG image description files.
This step should be done after the recipe has been changed.
cd image-recipe
) Set an environment variable for the name of the file that will contain the archive of the image recipe.
) Create a tgz
archive of the image recipe.
tar cvfz ../$ARTIFACT_FILE .
cd ..
) Create a new IMS recipe record.
cray ims recipes create --name "My Recipe" \
--recipe-type kiwi-ng --linux-distribution sles15 \
--arch x86_64 --require-dkms False --format toml
Example output:
created = "2018-12-04T17:25:52.482514+00:00"
id = "2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6"
linux_distribution = "sles15"
name = "my_recipe.tgz"
recipe_type = "kiwi-ng"
arch = "x86_64"
require_dkms = false
) Create a variable for the id
value in the returned data.
) Upload the customized recipe to S3.
It is suggested as a best practice that the S3 object name start with recipes/
and contain the IMS recipe ID,
in order to remove ambiguity.
cray artifacts create ims recipes/$IMS_RECIPE_ID/$ARTIFACT_FILE $ARTIFACT_FILE
) Update the IMS recipe record with the S3 path to the recipe archive.
cray ims recipes update $IMS_RECIPE_ID --link-type s3 \
--link-path s3://ims/recipes/$IMS_RECIPE_ID/$ARTIFACT_FILE --format toml
Example output:
id = "2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6"
recipe_type = "kiwi-ng"
linux_distribution = "sles15"
name = "my_recipe.tgz"
created = "2020-02-05T19:24:22.621448+00:00"
arch = "x86_64"
require_dkms = false
path = "s3://ims/recipes/2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6/my_recipe.tgz"
etag = ""
type = "s3"
IMS can optionally template the contents of an IMS recipe before building the recipe with Kiwi-NG during an IMS create
job. This
enables variables stored in the recipe to be dynamically replaced with values registered with the IMS recipe record after the
recipe is downloaded from S3, but before it is built by Kiwi-NG. This functionality is used by various Cray products to ensure
that the resulting image is built from the most correct release versions of Nexus-hosted RPM repositories.
Follow the steps below to enable IMS templating within a given recipe. Note that for IMS to properly template a recipe, the following procedures must all be completed.
Add a file named .ims_recipe_template.yaml
to the root of the recipe archive.
ls -al
Example output:
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 70 Feb 22 19:05 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 41 Feb 22 17:18 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2744 Feb 4 21:14
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24645 Feb 4 21:15 config.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1216 Feb 4 21:14
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 29 Feb 4 21:14 .ims_recipe_template.yaml
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 18 Feb 4 21:15 root
The contents of this file must be valid YAML, containing the keyword template_files
. The template_files
must contain a list of files to be templated within the image recipe archive.
cat .ims_recipe_template.yaml
Example output:
- config.xml
IMS will template the indicated files “in place” – that is, the listed file will be replaced with the templated copy.
Only files listed under the template_files
key will be templated by IMS.
For each indicated file above, add appropriate Jinja2 variables where required to enable the results that are sought.
In the example below, the Jinja2 variable {{ CSM_RELEASE_VERSION }}
is used to help identify the fully qualified
Nexus repository name/path to use when building the recipe.
cat config.xml
Excerpt of example output:
<repository type="rpm-md" alias="csm-{{ CSM_RELEASE_VERSION }}-sle-{{ SLE_VERSION }}" priority="2" imageinclude="true">
<source path="https://packages.local/repository/csm-{{ CSM_RELEASE_VERSION }}-sle-{{ SLE_VERSION}}/"/>
The repository referenced above is for documentation purposes only and may not actually exist.
Create a tgz
archive of the image recipe.
tar cvfz ../$ARTIFACT_FILE .
cd ..
) Create a new IMS recipe record with template_dictionary
key/value pairs.
As shown in the example command, multiple key/value pairs may be added by providing a list of comma-separated
keys/values to the --template-dictionary-key
and --template-dictionary-value
cray ims recipes create --name "My Recipe" \
--recipe-type kiwi-ng --linux-distribution sles15 \
--template-dictionary-key CSM_RELEASE_VERSION,SLE_VERSION \
--template-dictionary-value 1.2.5,15sp4 \
--arch x86_64 --format toml
Example output:
created = "2018-12-04T17:25:52.482514+00:00"
id = "2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6"
linux_distribution = "sles15"
name = "my_recipe.tgz"
recipe_type = "kiwi-ng"
arch = "x86_64"
require_dkms = false
value = "1.2.5"
value = "15sp4"
) Create a variable for the id
value in the returned data.
) Upload the customized recipe to S3.
It is suggested as a best practice that the S3 object name start with recipes/
and contain the IMS recipe ID,
in order to remove ambiguity.
cray artifacts create ims recipes/$IMS_RECIPE_ID/$ARTIFACT_FILENAME $ARTIFACT_FILENAME
) Update the IMS recipe record with the S3 path to the recipe archive.
cray ims recipes update $IMS_RECIPE_ID --link-type s3 \
--link-path s3://ims/recipes/$IMS_RECIPE_ID/$ARTIFACT_FILENAME --format toml
Example output:
id = "2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6"
recipe_type = "kiwi-ng"
linux_distribution = "sles15"
name = "my_recipe.tgz"
created = "2020-02-05T19:24:22.621448+00:00"
arch = "x86_64"
require_dkms = false
value = "1.2.5"
value = "15sp4"
path = "s3://ims/recipes/2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6/recipe.tar.gz"
etag = ""
type = "s3"
) The procedure to build an image from an IMS recipe that uses templating does not change. Follow the normal IMS create
procedure, specifying the recipe’s ID value in the job’s --artifact-id
parameter. The IMS job will start as normal,
but after downloading the recipe from S3, there will be an indication that IMS is templating the recipe in the job’s
container log.
kubectl -n ims logs cray-ims-812e9cda-62a8-4d1b-83a3-5891340671ff-create-78z6p -c fetch-recipe
Example output:
INFO:/scripts/ job status to 'fetching_recipe'.
INFO:ims_python_helper:image_set_job_status: {{ims_job_id: 812e9cda-62a8-4d1b-83a3-5891340671ff, job_status: fetching_recipe}}
INFO:ims_python_helper:PATCH https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/ims/jobs/812e9cda-62a8-4d1b-83a3-5891340671ff status=fetching_recipe
INFO:/scripts/ recipe https://rgw-vip.nmn/ims/recipes/2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6/recipe.tar.gz?AWSAccessKeyId=DM1K003SPCSMLHX2Q1SF&Signature=FilGEvPFr0zx3aSA3dW9zrOuEow%3D&Expires=1645470297
/scripts/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host 'rgw-vip.nmn'. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:
INFO:/scripts/ file as '/mnt/recipe/recipe.tgz'
INFO:/scripts/ md5sum of the downloaded file.
INFO:/scripts/ verified the md5sum of the downloaded file.
INFO:/scripts/ recipe into /mnt/recipe
INFO:/scripts/ recipe
INFO:/scripts/ compressed recipe /mnt/recipe/recipe.tgz
Note the third line from the bottom:
INFO:/scripts/ recipe