
The pre-install-check stage ensures that CSM is operating properly so that products can be installed. It verifies that S3 storage is functional, that CFS, VCS, and IMS microservices are functional, etc. Products may provide hook scripts to perform additional product-specific system checks.

pre-install-check details are explained in the following sections:


The pre-install-check stage does not change the running state of the system.


The following arguments are most often used with the pre-install-check stage. See iuf -h and iuf run -h for additional arguments.

Input iuf Argument Description
Activity -a ACTIVITY Activity created for the install or upgrade operations

Execution details

The code executed by this stage exists within IUF. See the pre-install-check entry in /usr/share/doc/csm/workflows/iuf/stages.yaml and the corresponding files in /usr/share/doc/csm/workflows/iuf/operations/ for details on the commands executed.


(ncn-m001#) Execute the pre-install-check stage for activity admin-230127.

iuf -a admin-230127 run -r pre-install-check