
The process-media stage extracts all product distribution files found in the media directory specified by the user via -m and associates it with an activity identifier provided by the -a argument. The product content is extracted into that same directory. All future stages associated with the activity will execute for all applicable products found in the media directory, and thus -m does not need to be specified for future stages.

NOTE process-media must be run at least once for a given activity before any of the other stages can be run. This is required because process-media associates the product content being installed or upgraded with an activity identifier and that information is used for all other stages.

process-media details are explained in the following sections:


The process-media stage does not change the running state of the system.


The following arguments are most often used with the process-media. See iuf -h and iuf run -h for additional arguments.

Input iuf Argument Description
Activity -a ACTIVITY Activity created for the install or upgrade operations
Media directory -m MEDIA_DIR Directory containing the product distribution files to be installed or upgraded

Execution details

The code executed by this stage exists within IUF. See the process-media entry in /usr/share/doc/csm/workflows/iuf/stages.yaml and the corresponding files in /usr/share/doc/csm/workflows/iuf/operations/ for details on the commands executed.


(ncn-m001#) Execute the process-media stage with product distribution content found in /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/media/admin-230127, creating an activity named admin-230127 in the process.

iuf -a admin-230127 -m /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/media/admin-230127 run -r process-media