
The update-cfs-config stage creates updated CFS configurations used for image customization and personalization of management NCNs and managed (compute and application) nodes. This stage only creates the CFS configurations; the prepare-images, management-nodes-rollout, and management-nodes-rollout stages executed after update-cfs-config use the CFS configurations.

The product content used to create the CFS configurations is defined in sat bootprep input files. The sat bootprep input files used can be specified by -bc, -bm, and/or -bpcd as described below. Variables within the sat bootprep files can be substituted with values found in the recipe variables (-rv) and/or site variables (-sv) files.

NOTE Before update-cfs-config is executed, any desired site configuration customizations in VCS should be performed. Refer to individual product documentation for configuration customization details.

update-cfs-config details are explained in the following sections:


The update-cfs-config stage does not change the running state of the system as it does not deploy the newly created CFS configurations; that is done by the management-nodes-rollout and managed-nodes-rollout stages.


The following arguments are most often used with the update-cfs-config stage. See iuf -h and iuf run -h for additional arguments.

Input iuf Argument Description
Activity -a ACTIVITY Activity created for the install or upgrade operations
Managed sat bootprep configuration files -bc BOOTPREP_CONFIG_MANAGED The sat bootprep configuration file used for managed nodes
Management sat bootprep configuration files -bm BOOTPREP_CONFIG_MANAGEMENT The sat bootprep configuration file used for management nodes
sat bootprep configuration directory -bpcd BOOTPREP_CONFIG_DIR Directory containing sat bootprep configuration files and recipe variables
Recipe variables -rv RECIPE_VARS Path to YAML file containing recipe variables provided by HPE
Site variables -sv SITE_VARS Path to YAML file containing site defaults and any overrides
Recipe variables product mask -mrp MASK_RECIPE_PRODS Mask the recipe variables file entries for the products specified, use product catalog values instead

Execution details

The code executed by this stage utilizes sat bootprep to create CFS configurations. See the update-cfs-config entry in /usr/share/doc/csm/workflows/iuf/stages.yaml and the corresponding files in /usr/share/doc/csm/workflows/iuf/operations/ for details on the commands executed.

See the HPE Cray EX System Admin Toolkit (SAT) Guide documentation for details on sat bootprep.


(ncn-m001#) Execute the update-cfs-config stage for activity admin-230127 using the /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/admin/site_vars.yaml file and the managed and management sat bootprep configuration files and the product_vars.yaml configuration file found in the /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/admin directory.

iuf -a admin-230127 run -sv /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/admin/site_vars.yaml -bpcd /etc/cray/upgrade/csm/admin -r update-cfs-config