Populate admin directory with files defining site preferences

IUF activities use ${ADMIN_DIR} to retain files that define site preferences for IUF. ${ADMIN_DIR} is defined separately from ${ACTIVITY_DIR} and ${MEDIA_DIR} based on the assumption that the files in ${ADMIN_DIR} will be used when performing future IUF operations unrelated to this workflow.

NOTE The following steps assume ${ADMIN_DIR} is empty. If this is not the case, i.e. ${ADMIN_DIR} has been populated by previous IUF workflows, ensure the content in ${ADMIN_DIR} is up to date with the latest content provided by the HPC CSM Software Recipe release content being installed. This may involve merging new content provided in the latest branch of the hpc-csm-software-recipe repository in VCS or provided in the files extracted from the HPC CSM Software Recipe with the existing content in ${ADMIN_DIR}.

  1. Change directory to ${ADMIN_DIR}

    (ncn-m001#) Change directory

    cd ${ADMIN_DIR}
  2. Copy the sat bootprep and product_vars.yaml files from the uncompressed HPC CSM Software Recipe distribution file in the media directory to the current directory.

    (ncn-m001#) Copy sat bootprep and product_vars.yaml files

    cp "${MEDIA_DIR}"/hpc-csm-software-recipe-*/vcs/product_vars.yaml .
    cp -r "${MEDIA_DIR}"/hpc-csm-software-recipe-*/vcs/bootprep .

    (ncn-m001#) Examine the contents of ${ADMIN_DIR} to verify the expected content is present

    find . -type f

    Example output:

  3. Edit the compute-and-uan-bootprep.yaml and management-bootprep.yaml files to account for any site deviations from the default values. For example:

    • Comment out the slurm-site CFS configuration layer and uncomment the pbs-site CFS configuration layer in compute-and-uan-bootprep.yaml if PBS is the preferred workload manager
    • Uncomment the gpu-{{recipe.version}} CFS configuration layer and gpu-image image definition in compute-and-uan-bootprep.yaml if the system has GPU hardware
    • Comment out any CFS configuration layers in compute-and-uan-bootprep.yaml and management-bootprep.yaml files for products that are not needed on the system
    • Any other changes needed to reflect site preferences
  4. Create a site_vars.yaml file in ${ADMIN_DIR}. This file will contain key/value pairs for any configuration changes that should override entries in the default section of the HPE-provided product_vars.yaml file. There are comments at the top of the product_vars.yaml file that describe the variables and related details. The following are a few examples of site_vars.yaml changes:

    • Add a default section containing a network_type: "cassini" entry to designate that Cassini is the desired Slingshot network type to be used when executing CFS configurations later in the workflow
    • Add a suffix entry to the default section to append a string to the names of CFS configuration, image, and BOS session template artifacts created during the workflow to make them easy to identify

    Additional information on site_vars.yaml files can be found in the Site and recipe variables and update-vcs-config sections.

    1. Create a site_vars.yaml file with desired key/value pairs

    2. Ensure the site_vars.yaml file contents are formatted correctly. The following text is an example for verification purposes only.

      (ncn-m001#) Display the contents of an example site_vars.yaml file

      cat site_vars.yaml

      Example output:

        network_type: "cassini"
        suffix: "-test01"

      NOTE: When installing USS 1.1 or higher, select either Slurm or PBS Pro Products to use on the system before running this stage. For more information, see the deliver-product stage details in the “Install and Upgrade Framework” section of the HPE Cray Supercomputing User Services Software Administration Guide: CSM on HPE Cray Supercomputing EX Systems (S-8063). If installing USS 1.1 or higher, the deploy_slurm and deploy_pbs keys should be in the site_vars.yaml file as shown below.

       network_type: "cassini"
       suffix: "-test01"
       deploy_slurm: true
       deploy_pbs: false
    3. Ensure the expected files are present in the admin directory after performing the steps in this section.

      (ncn-m001#) Examine the contents of ${ADMIN_DIR} to verify the expected content is present

      find . -type f

      Example output:


Once this step has completed:

  • ${ADMIN_DIR} is populated with product_vars.yaml, site_vars.yaml, and sat bootprep input files
  • The aforementioned configuration files have been updated to reflect site preferences