Check the Health of etcd Clusters

Check to see if all of the etcd clusters have the correct number of healthy pods and a healthy cluster database. Any clusters that do not have healthy pods will need to be either restored from backup or rebuilt.


This procedure requires root privileges.


  1. (ncn-mw#) Check the health of the clusters.

    To check the health of the etcd clusters in the services namespace without TLS authentication:

    /opt/cray/platform-utils/ -s etcd_health_status

    Example output:

    === Check the Health of the Etcd Clusters in all Namespaces. ===
    === Verify a "healthy" Report for Each Etcd Pod. ===
    Fri 10 Mar 2023 07:52:09 PM UTC
    ### cray-bos-bitnami-etcd-0 ### is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 4.166761ms
    ### cray-bos-bitnami-etcd-1 ### is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 4.697124ms
    ### cray-bos-bitnami-etcd-2 ### is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 4.119712ms
     --- PASSED ---

    If any of the etcd clusters are not healthy, refer to Restore an etcd Cluster from a Backup.

  2. (ncn-mw#) Check the number of pods in each cluster.

    Each cluster should contain at least three pods.

    /opt/cray/platform-utils/ -s etcd_cluster_balance

    Example output:

    === Check the Number of Pods in Each Cluster. Verify they are Balanced. ===
    === Each cluster should contain at least three pods, but may contain more. ===
    === Ensure that no two pods in a given cluster exist on the same worker node. ===
    Fri 10 Mar 2023 07:54:22 PM UTC
    cray-bos-bitnami-etcd-0                                           2/2     Running     0          22h    ncn-w002   <none>           <none>
    cray-bos-bitnami-etcd-1                                           2/2     Running     0          22h     ncn-w003   <none>           <none>
    cray-bos-bitnami-etcd-2                                           2/2     Running     0          22h    ncn-w001   <none>           <none>
     --- PASSED ---

    If the etcd clusters have fewer than three pods in a ‘Running’ state, see Restore an etcd Cluster from a Backup.

  3. (ncn-mw#) Check the health of all etcd clusters’ databases:

    /opt/cray/platform-utils/ -s etcd_database_health

    Example output:

    === Check the health of Etcd Cluster's database in the Services Namespace. ===
    === PASS or FAIL status returned. ===
    ### cray-bos-bitnami-etcd-0 Etcd Database Check: ###
    PASS: OK foo fooCheck 1
    ### cray-bos-bitnami-etcd-1 Etcd Database Check: ###
    PASS: OK foo fooCheck 1
    ### cray-bos-bitnami-etcd-2 Etcd Database Check: ###
    PASS: OK foo fooCheck 1
     --- PASSED ---

    If any of the etcd cluster databases are not healthy, then refer to the following procedures: