Slurm Operator


The Slurm operator can be used to deploy Slurm within a tenant, so each tenant can have a separate instance of Slurm. This page explains how to install the Slurm operator.

Install the Slurm operator

The Slurm operator must be installed in order to create Slurm tenants. The Slurm operator runs in a Kubernetes pod and watches for SlurmCluster custom resources.

(ncn-mw#) To install the Slurm operator, run this command from the unpacked CPE Slurm release tarball:

helm upgrade --install -n slurm-operator cray-slurm-operator ./helm/cray-slurm-operator-*.tgz


(ncn-mw#) The following commands can provide information to assist in troubleshooting.

  • Check the Slurm operator logs.

    kubectl logs -n slurm-operator --timestamps --tail=-1 -c slurm-operator -lapp=slurm-operator
  • Check the status of a Slurm custom resource.

    kubectl describe slurmcluster -n <namespace> <name>
  • Check the slurmctld logs for a tenant.

    kubectl logs -n <namespace> --timestamps --tail=-1 -c slurmctld
  • Check the slurmdbd logs for a tenant.

    kubectl logs -n <namespace> --timestamps --tail=-1 -c slurmdbd
  • Check the accounting database logs for a tenant.

    kubectl logs -n <namespace> <name>-slurmdb-pxc-0
    kubectl logs -n <namespace> <name>-slurmdb-pxc-1
    kubectl logs -n <namespace> <name>-slurmdb-pxc-2