Enabling Customer High Speed Network Routing

Process overview and warnings

IMPORTANT This procedure is quite involved and the complexities should be completely understood before beginning. The procedure is designed to be run after a CSM 1.3 upgrade. With careful preparation this could be run as part of the CSM 1.3 upgrade.

The primary objective of this procedure is to move user traffic (users running jobs) from a CAN network running over the CSM management network, to a CHN network over the Slingshot high speed network, while minimizing downtime and outages.

For safety and flexibility this procedures brings up the CHN network while the system remains running on the CAN. Components can then be migrated to the CHN in a controlled manner, with minimal interruptions to existing CAN operations.

The overall process can be summarized as:

  1. Backup phase
    1. Save critical runtime data
  2. Update phase
    1. Prevent UAN from migrating to the CHN
    2. Add the CHN data and configurations while the CAN remains as-is
  3. Migrate phase - perform a controlled configuration and migration of components from the CAN to the CHN
    1. NCN workers
    2. CSM services
    3. UAN
    4. UAI
    5. Compute (optional)
  4. Cleanup phase
    1. Remove the CAN from operations and all data sets
  5. Upgrade the management network switch configurations

The procedure, to be safe and flexible, is intensive from both the number of steps involved and the amount of system data which needs to be managed. However, during the migration phase, ample time and flexibility exists to contact system users as well as reverse the migration.

Note that updates to the CSM management network are at the very end of this procedure. CSM 1.3 network updates consist only of critical bugfixes as well as interface and ACL changes. This completes Bifurcated CAN transitions begun in CSM 1.2.


  1. The system must have successfully completed a CSM 1.3 upgrade or be ready for CSM 1.3 upgrade.
    1. Gateway tests from outside the system
    2. UAI creation tests
    3. Confirm BGP peering of MetalLB with Edge Routers
  2. Install the latest CSM 1.3 documentation
  3. A site-routable IPv4 subnet for the CHN.
    • Minimally this must be sized to accommodate all of the following:
      • Three IP addresses for switching
      • One IP address for each NCN worker on the system
      • One IP address for the API ingress gateway
      • One IP address for the oath2-proxy service
      • One IP address for each NCN UAN on the system
      • IP addresses for the maximum number of UAIs required
      • IP addresses for any other services to be brought up dynamically on the CHN
    • Note A /24 subnet is usually more than sufficient for small-to-medium sized systems with minimal UAI requirements.
  4. The Slingshot high speed network is configured and up, including the fabric manager service. This network is required to transit CHN traffic.
  5. The Slingshot Host Software is installed and configured on NCN Worker nodes. This is required to expose CHN services. For the purpose of CHN, the host software creates the (required) primary IPv4 address on hsn0, often a 10.253 IP address.

Backup phase


  1. (ncn-m001#) Make working directories for the procedure.

    mkdir migrate_can_to_chn
    cd migrate_can_to_chn
    export BASEDIR=$(pwd)
    mkdir backups updates cleanup
    export BACKUPDIR=${BASEDIR}/backups
    export UPDATEDIR=${BASEDIR}/updates
    export CLEANUPDIR=${BASEDIR}/cleanup
  2. (ncn-m001#) Obtain an API token.

    export TOKEN=$(curl -s -k -S -d grant_type=client_credentials -d client_id=admin-client \
                  -d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
                  https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token | jq -r '.access_token')

Create system backups

Copying and storing all data in ${BACKUPDIR} off-system in a version control repository is highly recommended.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Change to the backup directory.

    cd "${BACKUPDIR}"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Backup running system SLS data.

    curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/dumpstate | jq -S . > sls_input_file.json
  3. (ncn-m001#) Backup running system customizations data.

    kubectl -n loftsman get secret site-init -o json | jq -r '.data."customizations.yaml"' | base64 -d > customizations.yaml
  4. (ncn-m001#) Backup running system MetalLB ConfigMap data.

    kubectl get cm -n metallb-system metallb -o yaml | egrep -v 'creationTimestamp:|resourceVersion:|uid:' > metallb.yaml
  5. (ncn-m001#) Backup running system manifest data.

    kubectl get cm -n loftsman loftsman-platform -o jsonpath='{.data.manifest\.yaml}' > manifest.yaml
  6. (ncn-m001#) Backup running system CFS configuration data.

    cray cfs v3 configurations list --format json > cfs-configurations.json
  7. (ncn-m001#) Backup running system BSS data.

    curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/bss/boot/v1/bootparameters | jq . > bss-bootparameters.json

Update phase

Disable CFS for UAN

  1. (ncn-m001#) Disable CFS changes on UAN to prevent migration to the CHN.

    for xname in $(cray hsm state components list --role Application --subrole UAN --type Node --format json | jq -r .Components[].ID) ; do
        cray cfs v3 components update --enabled false --format json "${xname}"

Update SLS

  1. (ncn-m001#) Move to the update directory.

    cd "${UPDATEDIR}"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Set the directory location for the SLS CHN script.

    export SLS_CHN_DIR=/usr/share/doc/csm/operations/network/customer_accessible_networks/can_to_chn/scripts/sls
  3. (ncn-m001#) Add CHN to SLS data.

    "${SLS_CHN_DIR}/sls_can_to_chn.py" --sls-input-file "${BACKUPDIR}/sls_input_file.json" \
       --customer-highspeed-network <CHN VLAN> <CHN IPv4 Subnet> \
       --number-of-chn-edge-switches <number of edge switches> \
       --sls-output-file "${UPDATEDIR}/sls_file_with_chn.json"


    • <CHN VLAN> is the “stub” VLAN for the CHN. This is currently used only on the edge switches in access mode, not a trunk through the high speed network.
    • <CHN IPv4 Subnet> is the pre-requisite site-routable IPv4 subnet for the CHN.
    • <number of edge switches> is typically 2 Arista or Aruba switches, but some pre-production systems have 1.
  4. (ncn-m001#) Upload data to SLS.

    curl --fail -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -k -L -X POST 'https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/loadstate' -F "sls_dump=@${UPDATEDIR}/sls_file_with_chn.json"

Update customizations

Add CHN to customizations.yaml

  1. (ncn-m001#) Move to the update directory.

    cd "${UPDATEDIR}"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Set the directory location for the customizations script to add CHN.

    export CUSTOMIZATIONS_SCRIPT_DIR=/usr/share/doc/csm/operations/network/customer_accessible_networks/can_to_chn/scripts/util
  3. (ncn-m001#) Create updated customizations.yaml against updated SLS.

    "${CUSTOMIZATIONS_SCRIPT_DIR}/update-customizations-network.sh" "${BACKUPDIR}/customizations.yaml" > "${UPDATEDIR}/customizations.yaml"
    yq validate "${UPDATEDIR}/customizations.yaml"

    Important If the updated customizations.yaml file is empty or not valid YAML, do not proceed. Instead, stop and debug.

  4. (ncn-m001#) Upload new customizations.yaml.

    This ensures that changes persist across updates.

    kubectl delete secret -n loftsman site-init
    kubectl create secret -n loftsman generic site-init --from-file="${UPDATEDIR}/customizations.yaml"

Update CSM service endpoint data (MetalLB)

  1. (ncn-m001#) Create new MetalLB configuration map from updated customizations data.

    The new ConfigMap will not be applied in the update phase because this would change service endpoints earlier than desired.

     yq r "${UPDATEDIR}/customizations.yaml" 'spec.network.metallb' |
         yq p - 'data.config.' |
         sed 's/config\:/config\:\ \|/' |
         yq m - "${BACKUPDIR}/metallb.yaml" > "${UPDATEDIR}/metallb.yaml"

Migrate phase

Migrate NCN workers

  1. (ncn-m001#) Change to updates directory

    cd "${UPDATEDIR}"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Ensure that SHS is active by testing if there is an HSN IP address (typically 10.253) on the hsn0 interfaces.

    If there is not a primary address on the hsn0 interface, then this must be fixed before proceeding.

    pdsh -w ncn-w[$(printf "%03d-%03d" 1 $(egrep 'ncn-w...\.nmn' /etc/hosts | wc -l))] ip address list dev hsn0

    NOTE If some interfaces have an HSN address and others do not, then this typically indicates that SHS install is failing. This must be resolved before proceeding.

  3. Determine the CFS configuration in use on the worker nodes.

    1. (ncn#) Identify the all worker nodes.

      cray hsm state components list --role Management --subrole Worker --format json | jq -r '.Components[] | .ID'

      Example output:

    2. (ncn#) Identify CFS configuration in use by running the following for each of the the worker nodes identified above.

      cray cfs v3 components describe --format json x3000c0s4b0n0 | jq .desired_config

      Example output:


      Note Errors or failed CFS personalization runs may be fixed via the following process, because CFS will be re-run. However, it is better to take time now to troubleshoot the current issue.

  4. (ncn#) Extract the CFS configuration identified in the previous step.

    cray cfs v3 configurations describe "${CFS_CONFIG_NAME}" --format json | jq 'del(.last_updated) | del(.name)' > ncn-cfs-configuration.json

    The resulting output file should look similar to this in structure. However, installed products, versions, commit hashes, playbooks, and names will vary. Note This is an example and should not be used directly as-is.

      "layers": [
          "clone_url": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/slingshot-host-software-config-management.git",
          "commit": "f4e2bb7e912c39fc63e87a9284d026a5bebb6314",
          "name": "shs-1.7.3-45-1.0.26",
          "playbook": "shs_mellanox_install.yml"
          "clone_url": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git",
          "commit": "92ce2c9988fa092ad05b40057c3ec81af7b0af97",
          "name": "csm-1.9.21",
          "playbook": "site.yml"
          "clone_url": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/sat-config-management.git",
          "commit": "4e14a37b32b0a3b779b7e5f2e70998dde47edde1",
          "name": "sat-2.3.4",
          "playbook": "sat-ncn.yml"
          "clone_url": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/uss-config-management.git",
          "commit": "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7",
          "name": "cos-integration-2.3.75",
          "playbook": "ncn.yml"
          "clone_url": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/uss-config-management.git",
          "commit": "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7",
          "name": "cos-integration-2.3.75",
          "playbook": "ncn-final.yml"
  5. Edit the extracted file.

    Copy the existing CSM layer and create a new layer to run the enable_chn.yml playbook. The original CSM layer should still exist after this operation as well as the new layer.

    Note this is a an example and should not be copied into the running configuration.

      "clone_url": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git",
      "commit": "92ce2c9988fa092ad05b40057c3ec81af7b0af97",
      "name": "csm-1.9.21",
      "playbook": "enable_chn.yml"

    Important: This new layer must run after the COS ncn-final.yml layers, otherwise the HSN interfaces will not be configured correctly and this playbook will fail. Typically, placing the new layer at the end of the list is okay.

  6. (ncn#) Update the CFS configuration.

    cray cfs v3 configurations update "${CFS_CONFIG_NAME}" --file ncn-cfs-configuration.json --format toml

    Example output:

    last_updated = "2023-05-25T09:22:44Z"
    name = "management-23.03"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/slingshot-host-software-config-management.git"
    commit = "f4e2bb7e912c39fc63e87a9284d026a5bebb6314"
    name = "shs-1.7.3-45-1.0.26"
    playbook = "shs_mellanox_install.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git"
    commit = "92ce2c9988fa092ad05b40057c3ec81af7b0af97"
    name = "csm-1.9.21"
    playbook = "site.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/sat-config-management.git"
    commit = "4e14a37b32b0a3b779b7e5f2e70998dde47edde1"
    name = "sat-2.3.4"
    playbook = "sat-ncn.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/uss-config-management.git"
    commit = "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7"
    name = "cos-integration-2.3.75"
    playbook = "ncn.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/uss-config-management.git"
    commit = "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7"
    name = "cos-integration-2.3.75"
    playbook = "ncn-final.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git"
    commit = "92ce2c9988fa092ad05b40057c3ec81af7b0af97"
    name = "csm-1.9.21"
    playbook = "enable_chn.yml"
  7. (ncn#) Check that NCN personalization runs and completes successfully on all worker nodes.

    Updating the CFS configuration will cause CFS to schedule the nodes for configuration. Run the following command for all worker xnames to verify this has occurred.

    cray cfs v3 components describe --format toml x3000c0s4b0n0

    Example output:

    configuration_status = "pending"
    desired_config = "management-23.03"
    enabled = true
    error_count = 0
    id = "x3000c0s4b0n0"
    state = []

    configuration_status should change from pending to configured once NCN personalization completes successfully.

For more information on management node personalization, see Management Node Personalization.

Migrate CSM services (MetalLB)

Note this will activate CHN service endpoints and deactivate CAN endpoints.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Change to updates directory.

    cd "${UPDATEDIR}"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Apply MetalLB configuration map with CHN data to the system.

    kubectl apply -f ${UPDATEDIR}/metallb.yaml 
  3. (ncn-m001#) Reload MetalLB with CHN data to activate new services.

    kubectl rollout restart deployments -n metallb-system metallb-controller

Migrate UAN

Minimizing UAN downtime

UANs running before and during an upgrade to CHN will continue running with no connectivity or local data impacts until an administrator-scheduled transition takes place. UAN rebuilds and reboots during this time are not supported.

The time frame over which the transition can be scheduled is quite large and the transition requires only that UAN users log out of the UAN (over the old IPv4 address) and log back in (over a new IPv4 address).

Administrators should enable CFS for UAN, ensure plays run successfully and then notify users to migrate by logging out of the UAN over the CAN and back in over the CHN.

Enable CFS for UAN

  1. (ncn-m001#) Enable CFS changes on UAN.

    for xname in $(cray hsm state components list --role Application --subrole UAN --type Node --format json | jq -r .Components[].ID) ; do
       cray cfs v3 components update --enabled true --state "[]" --format json "${xname}"
  2. Reboot UANs.

    When the UAN comes back up it should now have the CHN interface and updated default route configured.

    1. (uan#) Verify default route configuration.

      ip r show default

      Example output

      default via dev hsn0
    2. (uan#) Verify hsn0 interface configuration.

      ip a show hsn0

      Example output

      6: hsn0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
          link/ether 02:00:00:00:00:07 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff permaddr ec:0d:9a:c1:b4:30
          altname enp3s0np0
          altname ens2np0
          inet scope global hsn0
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
          inet scope global hsn0
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
          inet6 fe80::ff:fe00:7/64 scope link 
             valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Notify UAN users

Notify users to log out of the UAN over the CAN and back in over the CHN. The old CAN interface is removed during UAN rebuild, but access over the CAN will be removed during the management network upgrade.

Migrate UAI

Newly created User Access Instances (UAI) will use the network configured as the SystemDefaultRoute in the SLS BICAN network structure.

Existing UAIs will continue to use the network that was set when it was created. Users with existing UAI will need to recreate their instances before the CAN network is removed from workers and the management network switches in the cleanup phase below.

Migrate computes (optional)

Important This part of the procedure is needed only if all compute nodes will have a CHN IPv4 address. The CHN subnet must be large enough to hold all compute nodes in the system. The same UAN CFS configuration is used for computes.

Add compute IP addresses to CHN SLS data

  1. (ncn-m001#) Change to updates directory.

    cd "${UPDATEDIR}"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Process the SLS file.

    "${DOCDIR}/add_computes_to_chn.py" --sls-input-file "${UPDATEDIR}/sls_file_with_chn.json" --sls-output-file "${UPDATEDIR}/sls_file_with_chn_and_computes.json"

Upload migrated SLS file to SLS service

(ncn-m001#) If the following command does not complete successfully, then check if the TOKEN environment variable is set correctly.

curl --fail -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -k -L -X POST 'https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/loadstate' -F "sls_dump=@${UPDATEDIR}/sls_file_with_chn_and_computes.json"

Enable CFS layer

CHN network configuration of compute nodes is performed by the UAN CFS configuration layer. This procedure describes how to identify the UAN layer and add it to the compute node configuration.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Enable CFS changes on compute nodes.

    for xname in $(cray hsm state components list --role Compute --type Node --format json | jq -r .Components[].ID) ; do
       cray cfs v3 components update --enabled true --state "[]" --format json "${xname}"
  2. Determine the CFS configuration that is currently in use on the compute nodes.

    1. (ncn-m001#) Identify the compute nodes.

      cray hsm state components list --role Compute --format json | jq -r '.Components[] | .ID'

      Example output:

    2. (ncn-m001#) Identify the CFS configuration in use on the compute nodes.

      cray cfs v3 components describe --format toml x1000c5s1b0n1

      Example output:

      configuration_status = "configured"
      desired_config = "cos-config-full-2.3-integration"
      enabled = true
      error_count = 0
      id = "x1000c5s1b0n1"
    3. (ncn-m001#) Extract the CFS configuration.

      cray cfs v3 configurations describe cos-config-full-2.3-integration --format json | jq 'del(.last_updated) | del(.name)' > "${UPDATEDIR}/cos-config-full-2.3-integration.json"
  3. Identify the UAN CFS configuration.

    1. (ncn-m001#) Identify the UAN nodes.

      cray hsm state components list --role Application --subrole UAN --format json | jq -r '.Components[] | .ID'

      Example output:

    2. (ncn-m001#) Identify the CFS configuration currently in use for the UANs.

      cray cfs v3 components describe --format toml x3000c0s25b0n0

      Example output:

      configuration_status = "configured"
      desired_config = "chn-uan-cn"
      enabled = true
      error_count = 0
      id = "x3000c0s25b0n0"
    3. (ncn-m001#) Identify the UAN CFS configuration layer.

      cray cfs v3 configurations describe chn-uan-cn --format json

      The resulting output should look similar to this. Installed products, versions, and commit hashes will vary.

        "last_updated": "2022-05-27T20:15:10Z",
        "layers": [
            "clone_url": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/uan-config-management.git",
            "commit": "359611be2f6893ddd0020841b73a3d4924120bb1",
            "name": "chn-uan-cn",
            "playbook": "site.yml"
        "name": "chn-uan-cn"
  4. Edit the JSON file with the extracted compute node configuration and add the UAN layer to the end of the JSON file.

  5. (ncn-m001#) Update the compute node CFS configuration.

    cray cfs v3 configurations update cos-config-full-2.3-integration --file "${UPDATEDIR}/cos-config-full-2.3-integration.json" --format toml

    Example output:

    last_updated = "2022-05-27T20:47:18Z"
    name = "cos-config-full-2.3-integration"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/   slingshot-host-software-config-management.git"
    commit = "dd428854a04a652f825a3abbbf5ae2ff9842dd55"
    name = "shs-integration"
    playbook = "shs_mellanox_install.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git"
    commit = "92ce2c9988fa092ad05b40057c3ec81af7b0af97"
    name = "csm-1.9.21"
    playbook = "site.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/uss-config-management.git"
    commit = "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7"
    name = "cos-compute-integration-2.3.75"
    playbook = "cos-compute.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/sma-config-management.git"
    commit = "2219ca094c0a2721f3bf52f5bd542d8c4794bfed"
    name = "sma-base-config"
    playbook = "sma-base-config.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/sma-config-management.git"
    commit = "2219ca094c0a2721f3bf52f5bd542d8c4794bfed"
    name = "sma-ldms-ncn"
    playbook = "sma-ldms-ncn.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/slurm-config-management.git"
    commit = "0982661002a857d743ee5b772520e47c97f63acc"
    name = "slurm master"
    playbook = "site.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/pbs-config-management.git"
    commit = "874050c9820cc0752c6424ef35295289487acccc"
    name = "pbs master"
    playbook = "site.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/analytics-config-management.git"
    commit = "d4b26b74d08e668e61a1e5ee199e1a235e9efa3b"
    name = "analytics integration"
    playbook = "site.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/uss-config-management.git"
    commit = "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7"
    name = "cos-compute-last-integration-2.3.75"
    playbook = "cos-compute-last.yml"
    clone_url = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/uan-config-management.git"
    commit = "359611be2f6893ddd0020841b73a3d4924120bb1"
    name = "chn-uan-cn"
    playbook = "site.yml"
  6. (ncn-m001#) Check that the CFS configuration of the compute node completes successfully.

    Updating the CFS configuration will cause CFS to schedule the nodes for configuration. Run the following command to verify this has occurred.

    cray cfs v3 components describe --format toml x1000c5s1b0n1

    Example output:

    configuration_status = "pending"
    desired_config = "cos-config-full-2.3-integration"
    enabled = true
    error_count = 0
    id = "x1000c5s1b0n1"
    state = []

    configuration_status should change from pending to configured once CFS configuration of the node is complete.

For more information on managing node with CFS, see Configuration Management.

Cleanup phase

Copying and storing all data in the ${CLEANUPDIR} off-system in a version control repository is highly recommended.

Remove CAN from SLS

  1. (ncn-m001#) Move to the update directory.

    cd "${CLEANUPDIR}"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Set the directory location for the SLS CHN script and SLS file.

    export SLS_CHN_DIR=/usr/share/doc/csm/operations/network/customer_accessible_networks/can_to_chn/scripts/sls
    [[ -f ${UPDATEDIR}/sls_file_with_chn_and_computes.json ]] &&
       export SLS_CHN_FILE=${UPDATEDIR}/sls_file_with_chn_and_computes.json ||
       export SLS_CHN_FILE=${UPDATEDIR}/sls_file_with_chn.json
  3. (ncn-m001#) Remove CAN from SLS data.

    "${SLS_CHN_DIR}/sls_del_can.py" \
       --sls-input-file "${SLS_CHN_FILE}" \
       --sls-output-file "${CLEANUPDIR}/sls_file_without_can.json"
  4. (ncn-m001#) Upload data to SLS.

    curl --fail -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -k -L -X POST 'https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/loadstate' -F "sls_dump=@${CLEANUPDIR}/sls_file_without_can.json"

Remove CAN from customizations

  1. (ncn-m001#) Move to the cleanup directory.

    cd "${CLEANUPDIR}"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Set the directory location for the customizations script to remove CAN.

    export CUSTOMIZATIONS_SCRIPT_DIR=/usr/share/doc/csm/operations/network/customer_accessible_networks/can_to_chn/scripts/util
  3. (ncn-m001#) Remove CAN from customizations.yaml.

    "${CUSTOMIZATIONS_SCRIPT_DIR}/update-customizations-network.sh" "${UPDATEDIR}/customizations.yaml" > "${CLEANUPDIR}/customizations.yaml"
    yq validate "${CLEANUPDIR}/customizations.yaml"

    Important If the updated customizations.yaml file is empty or not valid YAML, then do not proceed. Instead, stop and debug.

  4. (ncn-m001#) Upload new customizations.yaml.

    This ensures that changes persist across updates.

    kubectl delete secret -n loftsman site-init
    kubectl create secret -n loftsman generic site-init "--from-file=${CLEANUPDIR}/customizations.yaml"

Remove CAN from BSS

  1. (ncn-m001#) Move to the cleanup directory.

    cd "${CLEANUPDIR}"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Set the directory location for the BSS CHN script.

    export BSS_CAN_DIR=/usr/share/doc/csm/operations/network/customer_accessible_networks/can_to_chn/scripts/bss
  3. (ncn-m001#) Remove CAN from BSS data.

    "${BSS_CAN_DIR}/bss_remove_can.py" --bss-input-file "${BACKUPDIR}/bss-bootparameters.json" --bss-output-file "${CLEANUPDIR}/bss-output-chn.json"
  4. (ncn-m001#) Upload data to BSS.

    "${BSS_CAN_DIR}/post-bootparameters.sh" -u https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/bss/boot/v1/bootparameters -f "${CLEANUPDIR}/bss-output-chn.json"

Remove CAN from CSM services

Note this will remove CAN service endpoints in Kubernetes.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Create new MetalLB configuration map from updated customizations data.

    yq r "${CLEANUPDIR}/customizations.yaml" 'spec.network.metallb' |
       yq p - 'data.config.' |
       sed 's/config\:/config\:\ \|/' |
       yq m - "${UPDATEDIR}/metallb.yaml" > "${CLEANUPDIR}/metallb.yaml"
  2. (ncn-m001#) Apply MetalLB configuration map with CHN data to the system.

    kubectl apply -f "${CLEANUPDIR}/metallb.yaml"
  3. (ncn-m001#) Reload MetalLB without CAN data to remove CAN services.

    kubectl rollout restart deployments -n metallb-system metallb-controller

Remove CAN interfaces from NCNs

  1. (ncn-m001#) Remove CAN interfaces from NCN master, worker, and storage nodes.

    pdsh -w $(grep -oP 'ncn-[mws]\d+' /etc/hosts | sort -u |  tr -t '\n' ',') \
                      'rm /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-bond0.can0; \
                       wicked ifdown bond0.can0'

Remove CAN names from NCN hosts files

  1. (ncn-m001#) Remove CAN names from host files on NCN master, worker, and storage nodes.

    pdsh -w $(grep -oP 'ncn-[mws]\d+' /etc/hosts | sort -u |  tr -t '\n' ',') \
                     sed -i '/\.can/d' /etc/hosts

Update the management network

Follow the process outlined in update the management network from CSM 1.2 to CSM 1.3.


The following tests should be run to confirm that the system is operating correctly on the CHN.

  1. Gateway tests from outside the system
  2. UAI creation tests
  3. Confirm BGP peering of MetalLB with Edge Routers