External DNS CSI Input Values

External DNS requires the system-name, site-domain, and cmn-external-dns values that are defined with the csi config init command. These values are used to customize the External DNS configuration during installation.

The system-name and site-domain values

The system-name and site-domain values specified as part of the csi config init are used together in the system-name.site-domain format, creating the external domain for external hostnames for services accessible from the Customer Management Network (CMN). Changing this value requires updating all impacted external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname annotations, VirtualService and possibly Gateway objects, the CoreDNS ConfigMap, Keycloak settings for valid OAuth callback URLs, OAuth2 Proxy configuration, and generating new certificates.

Warning: Changing the system-name.site-domain value post-installation is not recommended because of the complexity of changes required.

Input for csi config init:

--system-name testsystem
--site-domain example.com

The cmn-external-dns value

The cmn-external-dns value is the IP address that DNS queries under the combined system-name.site-domain values need to be delegated.

This will be the shared IP address for services/cray-dns-powerdns-cmn-tcp and services/cray-dns-powerdns-cmn-udp services, which must be an IP address in the cmn-static-pool subnet defined in the csi config init input. See Customer Accessible Networks for more information.

Changing this value requires updating the loadBalancerIP value of the services/cray-dns-powerdns-cmn-tcp and services/cray-dns-powerdns-cmn-udp services.

Input for csi config init:


This input is the CMN IP address for resolution of system services.