Use CANU to Generate Full Network Configuration

CANU can also generate switch configurations for all the switches on a network.

In order to generate network configurations, a valid SHCD must be passed in and system variables must be read in from either CSI output or the SLS API.

The instructions are exactly the same as the above except there will not be a hostname and a folder must be specified for configuration output using the --folder FOLDERNAME flag.

To generate switch configurations run:

canu -s 1.5 network config -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs 'INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES' --corners 'J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23' --csi-folder /CSI/OUTPUT/FOLDER/ADDRESS --folder FOLDERNAME
canu -s 1.3 network config -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES --corners J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23 --csi-folder /CSI/OUTPUT/FOLDER/ADDRESS --folder switch_config

Expected results:

    sw-spine-001 Config Generated
    sw-spine-002 Config Generated
    sw-leaf-001 Config Generated
    sw-leaf-002 Config Generated
    sw-leaf-003 Config Generated
    sw-leaf-004 Config Generated
    sw-cdu-001 Config Generated
    sw-cdu-002 Config Generated
    sw-leaf-bmc-001 Config Generated