Manual Switch Configuration

Some of the switch configuration is not generated by CANU and needs to be manually applied.


The custom switch configuration is backed up. See Manual Switch Config.

SNMP Configuration

For more information on SNMP credentials, see Configuring SNMP in CSM and Update Default Air-Cooled BMC and Leaf-BMC Switch SNMP Credentials

Once these credentials are retrieved from vault, fill in the xxxxxx fields below and paste the commands into the switch.


conf t

Example output:

snmp-server vrf default
snmpv3 user testuser auth md5 auth-pass plaintext xxxxxx priv des priv-pass plaintext xxxxxx


conf t

Example output:

snmp-server group cray-reds-group 3 noauth read cray-reds-view
snmp-server user xxxxxx cray-reds-group 3 auth md5 xxxxxx priv des xxxxxx
snmp-server view cray-reds-view included

Authentication Config

This is for all switches.

Aruba Admin Authentication

conf t

Example output:

user admin group administrators password plaintext xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dell Admin Authentication

conf t

Example output:

system-user linuxadmin password xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
username admin password xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx role sysadmin priv-lvl 15

Mellanox Admin Authentication

conf t

Example output:

username admin password 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
username monitor password 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx