Find Node Type and Manufacturer

There are three different vendors providing nodes for air-cooled cabinets, which are Gigabyte, Intel, and HPE. The Hardware State Manager (HSM) contains the information required to determine which type of air-cooled node is installed. The endpoint returned in the HSM command can be used to determine the manufacturer.

HPE nodes contain the /redfish/v1/Systems/1 endpoint:

cray hsm inventory componentEndpoints describe XNAME --format json | jq '.RedfishURL'

Gigabyte nodes contain the /redfish/v1/Systems/Self endpoint:

cray hsm inventory componentEndpoints describe XNAME --format json | jq '.RedfishURL'

Intel nodes contain the /redfish/v1/Systems/SERIAL_NUMBER endpoint:

cray hsm inventory componentEndpoints describe XNAME --format json | jq '.RedfishURL'