This procedure will remove one or more air-cooled standard node from an HPE Cray EX system.
This procedure is applicable for the following types of standard rack nodes:
) Retrieve an API token.
export TOKEN=$(curl -s -S -d grant_type=client_credentials \
-d client_id=admin-client \
-d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token | jq -r '.access_token')
Use the workload manager (WLM) to drain running jobs from the affected nodes on the blade.
Refer to the vendor documentation for the WLM for more information.
) Use Boot Orchestration Services (BOS) to shut down the affected nodes in the source blade.
In this example, x9000c3s0
is the source blade. Specify the appropriate component name (xname) and BOS
template for the node type in the following command.
cray bos v2 sessions create --template-name $BOS_TEMPLATE --operation shutdown --limit x9000c3s0b0n0,x9000c3s0b0n1,x9000c3s0b1n0,x9000c3s0b1n1
environment variable with the nodes xname:
) Verify the node to be removed is powered off:
cray power status describe ${NODE_XNAME} --format toml
Expected output:
xname = "x3000c0s19b0n0"
powerState = "on"
managementState = "available"
error = ""
supportedPowerTransitions = [ "Soft-Off", "Off", "On", "Force-Off", "Init", "Hard-Restart", "Soft-Restart",]
lastUpdated = "2024-02-05T22:42:33.331124704Z"
) If the node being removed is an UAN, then remove the IP address reservation for the node in the CAN
or CHN
Node If the UAN is being replaced within the same rack slot, then this step can be skipped.
Perform a dry-run:
/usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/node_management/ allocate-uan-ip \
--xname "${NODE_XNAME}"
Example output:
ncn-m001:~/rsjostrand/scripts # ./ deallocate-uan-ip --xname x3000c0s19b0n0
Called: GET https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/hardware/x3000c0s19b0n0 with params None
Pass x3000c0s19b0n0 exists in SLS
Pass node x3000c0s19b0n0 has expected node Role of Application
Pass node x3000c0s19b0n0 has expected SubRole of UAN
Pass node x3000c0s19b0n0 has alias of uan01
WARNING: Gateway not in Subnet for uai_macvlan (possibly supernetting).
Called: GET https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/networks with params None
Removing existing UAN node IP Reservation in subnet bootstrap_dhcp of network CAN: {'Name': 'uan01', 'IPAddress': '', 'Comment': 'x3000c0s19b0n0'}
Skipping network CHN as it does not exist in SLS
Updating CAN network in SLS with updated IP reservations
Skipping due to dry run!
/usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/node_management/ deallocate-uan-ip \
--xname "${NODE_XNAME}" \
Example output:
Called: GET https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/hardware/x3000c0s19b0n0 with params None
Pass x3000c0s19b0n0 exists in SLS
Pass node x3000c0s19b0n0 has expected node Role of Application
Pass node x3000c0s19b0n0 has expected SubRole of UAN
Pass node x3000c0s19b0n0 has alias of uan01
WARNING: Gateway not in Subnet for uai_macvlan (possibly supernetting).
Called: GET https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/networks with params None
Removing existing UAN node IP Reservation in subnet bootstrap_dhcp of network CAN: {'Name': 'uan01', 'IPAddress': '', 'Comment': 'x3000c0s19b0n0'}
Skipping network CHN as it does not exist in SLS
Updating CAN network in SLS with updated IP reservations
Called: PUT https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/networks/CAN with params None
) Remove node data:
/usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/node_management/ "${NODE_XNAME}"
Example output:
Xname Summary
Node: x3000c0s19b0n0
NodeBMC: x3000c0s19b0
NodeEnclosure: x3000c0s19e0
Verifying BMC exists as a RedfishEndpoint in HSM
"ID": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Type": "NodeBMC",
"Hostname": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Domain": "",
"FQDN": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Enabled": true,
"UUID": "92d4acf5-a95a-4908-97e7-cdd8d269f540",
"User": "root",
"Password": "",
"MACAddr": "a4bf0138ed46",
"RediscoverOnUpdate": true,
"DiscoveryInfo": {
"LastDiscoveryAttempt": "2022-09-05T16:09:57.620526Z",
"LastDiscoveryStatus": "DiscoverOK",
"RedfishVersion": "1.1.0"
Removing BMC Event subscriptions
Clearing subscriptions from NodeBMC x3000c0s19b0
Retrieving BMC (x3000c0s19b0) credentials from SCSD
{'Targets': [{'Xname': 'x3000c0s19b0', 'Username': 'root', 'Password': 'XXXXXXXX', 'StatusCode': 200, 'StatusMsg': 'OK'}]}
Retrieving Redfish Event subscriptions from the BMC: https://x3000c0s19b0/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions
No event subscriptions present!
Removing node data from SLS
Deleting MmgtSwitchConnector from SLS: x3000c0w25j37
"Parent": "x3000c0w25",
"Xname": "x3000c0w25j37",
"Type": "comptype_mgmt_switch_connector",
"Class": "River",
"TypeString": "MgmtSwitchConnector",
"LastUpdated": 1662392014,
"LastUpdatedTime": "2022-09-05 15:33:34.496642 +0000 +0000",
"ExtraProperties": {
"NodeNics": [
"VendorName": "ethernet1/1/37"
code = 0
message = "deleted entry and its descendants"
Deleting Node from SLS: x3000c0s19b0n0
"Parent": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Xname": "x3000c0s19b0n0",
"Type": "comptype_node",
"Class": "River",
"TypeString": "Node",
"LastUpdated": 1662392014,
"LastUpdatedTime": "2022-09-05 15:33:34.496642 +0000 +0000",
"ExtraProperties": {
"Aliases": [
"Role": "Application",
"SubRole": "UAN"
code = 0
message = "deleted entry and its descendants"
Removing node data from HSM
Deleting component from HSM State Components: x3000c0s19b0n0
"ID": "x3000c0s19b0n0",
"Type": "Node",
"State": "Off",
"Flag": "OK",
"Enabled": true,
"Role": "Application",
"SubRole": "UAN",
"NID": 49168992,
"NetType": "Sling",
"Arch": "X86",
"Class": "River"
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting component from HSM State Components: x3000c0s19b0
"ID": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Type": "NodeBMC",
"State": "Ready",
"Flag": "OK",
"Enabled": true,
"NetType": "Sling",
"Arch": "X86",
"Class": "River"
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting component from HSM State Components: x3000c0s19e0
"ID": "x3000c0s19e0",
"Type": "NodeEnclosure",
"State": "Off",
"Flag": "Warning",
"Enabled": true,
"NetType": "Sling",
"Arch": "X86",
"Class": "River"
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting Node MAC address: a4bf0138ed42
"ID": "a4bf0138ed42",
"Description": "Missing interface 1, MAC computed via workaround",
"MACAddress": "a4:bf:01:38:ed:42",
"LastUpdate": "2022-09-05T16:09:57.641759Z",
"ComponentID": "x3000c0s19b0n0",
"Type": "Node",
"IPAddresses": []
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting Node MAC address: a4bf0138ed43
"ID": "a4bf0138ed43",
"Description": "Missing interface 2, MAC computed via workaround",
"MACAddress": "a4:bf:01:38:ed:43",
"LastUpdate": "2022-09-05T16:09:57.641759Z",
"ComponentID": "x3000c0s19b0n0",
"Type": "Node",
"IPAddresses": []
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting BMC MAC address: a4bf0138ed46
"ID": "a4bf0138ed46",
"Description": "",
"MACAddress": "a4:bf:01:38:ed:46",
"LastUpdate": "2022-09-05T16:06:10.381742Z",
"ComponentID": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Type": "NodeBMC",
"IPAddresses": [
"IPAddress": ""
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting BMC MAC address: a4bf0138ed44
"ID": "a4bf0138ed44",
"Description": "Network Interface on the Baseboard Management Controller",
"MACAddress": "a4:bf:01:38:ed:44",
"LastUpdate": "2022-09-05T16:09:57.641759Z",
"ComponentID": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Type": "NodeBMC",
"IPAddresses": []
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting BMC MAC address: a4bf0138ed45
"ID": "a4bf0138ed45",
"Description": "Network Interface on the Baseboard Management Controller",
"MACAddress": "a4:bf:01:38:ed:45",
"LastUpdate": "2022-09-05T16:09:57.641759Z",
"ComponentID": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Type": "NodeBMC",
"IPAddresses": []
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting RedfishEndpoint from HSM: x3000c0s19b0
"ID": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Type": "NodeBMC",
"Hostname": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Domain": "",
"FQDN": "x3000c0s19b0",
"Enabled": true,
"UUID": "92d4acf5-a95a-4908-97e7-cdd8d269f540",
"User": "root",
"Password": "",
"MACAddr": "a4bf0138ed46",
"RediscoverOnUpdate": true,
"DiscoveryInfo": {
"LastDiscoveryAttempt": "2022-09-05T16:09:57.620526Z",
"LastDiscoveryStatus": "DiscoverOK",
"RedfishVersion": "1.1.0"
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Repeat for each node being removed on the blade.
If removing an a Gigabyte dense compute node remove the Gigabyte CMC data. Otherwise, for other node types this step can be skipped.
environment variable with the xname of the CMC.
) Remove the Gigabyte CMC data.
/usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/node_management/ "${CMC_XNAME}"
Example output:
Xname Summary
CMC: x3000c0s17b999
Removing CMC data from SLS
Verifying CMC exists in SLS hardware: x3000c0s17b999
"Parent": "x3000",
"Xname": "x3000c0s17b999",
"Type": "comptype_chassis_bmc",
"Class": "River",
"TypeString": "ChassisBMC",
"LastUpdated": 1663264176,
"LastUpdatedTime": "2022-09-15 17:49:36.469256 +0000 UTC"
CMC exists: x3000c0s17b999
Deleting CMC from SLS: x3000c0s17b999
"Parent": "x3000",
"Xname": "x3000c0s17b999",
"Type": "comptype_chassis_bmc",
"Class": "River",
"TypeString": "ChassisBMC",
"LastUpdated": 1663264176,
"LastUpdatedTime": "2022-09-15 17:49:36.469256 +0000 UTC"
code = 0
message = "deleted entry and its descendants"
Deleting MgmtSwitchConnector from SLS: x3000c0w14j32
"Parent": "x3000c0w14",
"Xname": "x3000c0w14j32",
"Type": "comptype_mgmt_switch_connector",
"Class": "River",
"TypeString": "MgmtSwitchConnector",
"LastUpdated": 1663264176,
"LastUpdatedTime": "2022-09-15 17:49:36.469256 +0000 UTC",
"ExtraProperties": {
"NodeNics": [
"VendorName": "1/1/32"
code = 0
message = "deleted entry and its descendants"
Removing node data from HSM
Disabling Redfish Endpoint in HSM: x3000c0s17b999
ID = "x3000c0s17b999"
Type = "NodeBMC"
Hostname = "x3000c0s17b999"
Domain = ""
FQDN = "x3000c0s17b999"
Enabled = false
UUID = "009ea76e-debf-0010-ef03-b42e99bdd255"
User = "root"
Password = ""
MACAddr = "b42e99bdd255"
RediscoverOnUpdate = true
LastDiscoveryAttempt = "2022-08-08T10:11:10.208211Z"
LastDiscoveryStatus = "DiscoverOK"
RedfishVersion = "1.7.0"
Deleting component from HSM State Components: x3000c0s17b999
"ID": "x3000c0s17b999",
"Type": "NodeBMC",
"State": "Empty",
"Flag": "OK",
"Enabled": true,
"NetType": "Sling",
"Arch": "X86",
"Class": "River"
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting CMC MAC address: b42e99bdd255
"ID": "b42e99bdd255",
"Description": "",
"MACAddress": "b4:2e:99:bd:d2:55",
"LastUpdate": "2022-08-08T10:07:01.928963Z",
"ComponentID": "x3000c0s17b999",
"Type": "NodeBMC",
"IPAddresses": [
"IPAddress": ""
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting CMC MAC address: 0234e854d178
"ID": "0234e854d178",
"Description": "Ethernet Interface usb0",
"MACAddress": "02:34:e8:54:d1:78",
"LastUpdate": "2022-08-08T10:11:10.210893Z",
"ComponentID": "x3000c0s17b999",
"Type": "NodeBMC",
"IPAddresses": []
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
Deleting RedfishEndpoint from HSM: x3000c0s17b999
"ID": "x3000c0s17b999",
"Type": "NodeBMC",
"Hostname": "x3000c0s17b999",
"Domain": "",
"FQDN": "x3000c0s17b999",
"Enabled": false,
"UUID": "009ea76e-debf-0010-ef03-b42e99bdd255",
"User": "root",
"Password": "",
"MACAddr": "b42e99bdd255",
"RediscoverOnUpdate": true,
"DiscoveryInfo": {
"LastDiscoveryAttempt": "2022-08-08T10:11:10.208211Z",
"LastDiscoveryStatus": "DiscoverOK",
"RedfishVersion": "1.7.0"
code = 0
message = "deleted 1 entry"
The node can now be physically removed from the system.