Replacing Foxconn Username and Passwords in Vault

Foxconn (Paradise) nodes may be shipped with a different default username and password then the system password. Because of the difference in user/password, these nodes will not be able to be discovered. Vault needs to be updated with the Foxconn username and password using the script or manually.

Procedure using the script

  1. (ncn-mw#) Set up API token.

    export TOKEN=$(curl -k -s -S -d grant_type=client_credentials -d client_id=admin-client -d client_secret=$(kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d) https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token | jq -r '.access_token')
  2. (ncn-mw#) Set helper variable.

  3. (ncn-mw#) Run the Foxconn update script


    This will ask for the BMC username and password for the Paradise nodes. The scirpt will look for undiscovered nodes, if it finds a Foxconn node, update vault with correct credentials.

  4. (ncn-mw#) Wait 10+ minutes for changes to take affect and nodes to be discovered. To check nodes which have failed to be discovered:

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --format json | jq '.[] | .[] | select (.DiscoveryInfo.LastDiscoveryStatus!="DiscoverOK")'

Manual procedure to update credentials in vault

  1. (ncn-mw#) Use the Cray CLI to update vault through HSM (replace BMC_xname with the xname of the BMC, Foxconn_user with the Foxconn default username, and Foxconn_pass with the Foxconn default password): NOTE: BMC_xname needs to be in the line twice

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints update BMC_xname -id BMC_xname --user Foxconn_user --password Foxconn_pass