S3FS Usage and Guidelines for Shasta


S3FS is being deployed as tool to provide temporary relief of space usage as well as supporting SDU/NMD services as a near-posix file system to provide a landing point for dumps.

When to Use

  • If the need is a landing point for large files that may fill up the root volume.
  • Short term storage of large files or rpms.

When NOT to Use

  • For long term storage of code, test images, test rpms, or tar files.
    • This is ONLY meant to provide temporary relief. Exercising a vigilant practice of cleaning up unused files should be enforced.
  • As a landing point to uncompress tar files.
    • This will put unnecessary load on the storage cluster as uncompressing a tar file will require a lot of reads and writes back to the object storage endpoints.
    • Running programs from the S3FS mount point.
      • Although this can be done but will eat into memory for long running programs and may not perform properly.

Additional Considerations

  • Ensure it is only temporary use on master nodes.
    • SDU utilizes S3FS on the master servers and ideally we would like to reserve the S3FS cache partition for SDU.
    • The cache partition is shared if utilizing automatically mounted partitions.
    • Make sure you are utilizing the correct S3 credentials and buckets.

How To Use

  1. Gather creds from radosgw


    • Please replace <radosgw-user> below with the UID for the radosgw/s3 user id.
    • Make sure to use a meaningful filename for storing the credentials and replace <filename> below.
    • Make sure to create a mount location and use that below to replace <mount path>
    radosgw-admin user info --uid <radosgw-user>|jq -r '.keys[]|.access_key +":"+ .secret_key' >>${HOME}/.<filename>.s3fs
    chmod 600 ~/.<filename>.s3fs
    mkdir <mount path>
  2. Mounting the volume

    1. Mount w/o cache

      # s3fs <radosgw-user> <mount path>  -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.<filename>.s3fs,url=http://rgw-vip.nmn,use_path_request_style
    2. Mount w/ cache

      IMPORTANT: To use this option there must be a dedicated landing space that is a partition. This ensures that the usage does not impact the root drive.

      s3fs <radosgw-user> <mount path>  -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.<filename>.s3fs,url=http://rgw-vip.nmn,use_path_request_style,use_cache=<dedicated_cache_partition_location>,check_cache_dir_exist=true
  3. Unmounting the volume

    umount <mount path>