Troubleshoot Loss of Console Connections and Logs on Gigabyte Nodes


Gigabyte console log information will no longer be collected. If attempting to initiate a console session through Cray console services, there will be an error reported. This error will occur every time the node is rebooted unless this workaround is applied.


Console log information is no longer being collected for Gigabyte nodes or ConMan is reporting an error.


  1. (ncn-mw#) Deactivate the current console connection.

    1. Enter root user password for the BMC of the affected node.

      NOTE read -s is used to prevent the password from being displayed on the screen or preserved in the shell history.

      read -r -s -p "BMC ${USERNAME} password: " IPMI_PASSWORD
    2. Deactivate the SOL session for the node.

      NOTE In the following command, replace XNAME with the component name (xname) of the BMC of the affected node.

      export IPMI_PASSWORD
      ipmitool -I lanplus -H XNAME -U "${USERNAME}" -E sol deactivate
  2. Manually open a console connection to the node using the Cray console services.

    This is necessary to force the ConMan reconnection after closing the SOL session. See Log in to a Node Using ConMan.