Shut Down and Power Off Compute and User Access Nodes

Shut down and power off compute and user access nodes (UANs). This procedure powers off all compute nodes in the context of an entire system shutdown.


The cray and sat commands must be initialized and authenticated with valid credentials for Keycloak. If these have not been prepared, then see Configure the Cray Command Line Interface (cray CLI) and refer to the “SAT Authentication” section of the HPE Cray EX System Admin Toolkit (SAT) (S-8031) product stream documentation for instructions on how to acquire a SAT authentication token.


  1. (ncn-mw#) List detailed information about the available boot orchestration service (BOS) session template names.

    Identify the BOS session template names (such as compute-23.7.0 and uan-23.7.0), and choose the appropriate compute and UAN node templates for the shutdown.

    cray bos sessiontemplates list --format json | jq -r '.[].name' | sort

    Example output excerpts:

  2. (ncn-mw#) To display more information about a session template, for example compute-23.7.0, use the describe option.

    cray bos sessiontemplates describe compute-23.7.0
  3. (ncn-mw#) Use sat bootsys shutdown to shut down and power off UANs and compute nodes.

    Attention: Specify the required session templates for COS_SESSION_TEMPLATE and UAN_SESSION_TEMPLATE in the example.

    An optional --loglevel debug can be used to provide more information as the system shuts down. If used, it must be added after sat but before bootsys.

    Important: The default timeout for the sat bootsys boot --stage bos-operations command is 600 seconds. If it is known that the nodes take longer than this amount of time to shutdown, then a different value can be set using --bos-shutdown-timeout BOS_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT with a value larger than 600 for BOS_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT. Once this timeout has been exceeded, sat will no longer watch the BOS sessions even if they are still in progress.

    sat bootsys shutdown --stage bos-operations --bos-shutdown-timeout BOS_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT \

    Example output:

    Proceed with shutdown of compute nodes and UANs using BOS? [yes,no] yes
    Proceeding with shutdown of compute nodes and UANs using BOS.
    INFO: Using session templates provided by --bos-templates/bos_templates option: ['uan-23.7.0', 'compute-23.7.0']
    INFO: Started shutdown operation on BOS session templates: compute-23.7.0, uan-23.7.0.
    INFO: Waiting up to 600 seconds for sessions to complete.
    INFO: Waiting for BOS session f657296c-762e-42ce-9388-d79a723d42a1 to reach target state complete. Session template: uan-23.7.0
    INFO: Waiting for BOS session e477aeb4-0038-4a11-ac55-1e359e2e243c to reach target state complete. Session template: compute-23.7.0
    All BOS sessions completed.

    Note: In certain cases, the command may display an error similar to the following:

    ERROR: Failed to get state of nodes in session template 'UAN_SESSION_TEMPLATE': Failed to get state of nodes with role=['Application', 'Application_UAN'] for boot set 'BOOT_SET' of session template 'UAN_SESSION_TEMPLATE': GET request to URL 'https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/smd/hsm/v2/State/Components' failed with status code 400: Bad Request. Bad Request Detail: bad query param: Argument was not a valid HMS Role

    This is a non-fatal error and does not affect the bos-operations stage of sat bootsys.

    Note: In certain cases, the command may fail before reaching the displayed timeout and show warnings similar to the following:

    ERROR: BOS boot timed out after 900 seconds for session templates: compute-23.7.0, uan-23.7.0.
    ERROR: Boot failed or timed out for session templates: compute-23.7.0, uan-23.7.0

    The BOS operation can still proceed even with these errors. However, the warnings may result in the bos-operations stage of the sat bootsys command exiting before the BOS operation is complete. Because of this, it is important to check the status reported by BOS in order to monitor the shutdown and to verify that the nodes reached the expected state. Both of these recommendations are shown in the remaining steps.

  4. Monitor status of the shutdown process.

    1. (ncn-m001#) Use the BOS session ID to monitor the progress of the compute node shutdown session.

      In the example above the compute node BOS session had the ID e477aeb4-0038-4a11-ac55-1e359e2e243c.

      cray bos sessions status list --format json e477aeb4-0038-4a11-ac55-1e359e2e243c

      Example output:

        "error_summary": {},
        "managed_components_count": 12,
        "percent_failed": 0.0,
        "percent_staged": 0.0,
        "percent_successful": 0.0,
        "phases": {
          "percent_complete": 0.0,
          "percent_configuring": 0,
          "percent_powering_off": 100.0,
          "percent_powering_on": 0
        "status": "running",
        "timing": {
          "duration": "0:01:37.131708",
          "start_time": "2024-01-29T00:21:30"
    2. (ncn-m001#) In another shell window, use a similar command to monitor the UAN boot session.

      In the example above the UAN BOS session had the ID f657296c-762e-42ce-9388-d79a723d42a1.

      cray bos sessions status list --format json f657296c-762e-42ce-9388-d79a723d42a1
        "error_summary": {},
        "managed_components_count": 6,
        "percent_failed": 0.0,
        "percent_staged": 0.0,
        "percent_successful": 0.0,
        "phases": {
          "percent_complete": 0.0,
          "percent_configuring": 0,
          "percent_powering_off": 100.0,
          "percent_powering_on": 0
        "status": "running",
        "timing": {
          "duration": "0:01:50.479877",
          "start_time": "2024-01-29T00:21:30"
    3. (ncn-m001#) Check the HSM state from sat statusof the compute and application nodes, but not the management nodes.

      A node will progress through HSM states in this order: Ready, Standby, Off.

      sat status --filter role!=management --hsm-fields

      Example output:

      | xname          | Type | NID      | State | Flag | Enabled | Arch | Class | Role        | SubRole   | Net Type |
      | x3209c0s13b0n0 | Node | 52593056 | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Application | UAN       | Sling    |
      | x3209c0s15b0n0 | Node | 52593120 | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Application | UAN       | Sling    |
      | x3209c0s17b0n0 | Node | 52593184 | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Application | UAN       | Sling    |
      | x3209c0s19b0n0 | Node | 52593248 | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Application | UAN       | Sling    |
      | x3209c0s22b0n0 | Node | 52593344 | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Application | Gateway   | Sling    |
      | x3209c0s23b0n0 | Node | 52593376 | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Application | Gateway   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s0b0n0  | Node | 1000     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s0b0n1  | Node | 1001     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s0b1n0  | Node | 1002     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s0b1n1  | Node | 1003     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s1b0n0  | Node | 1004     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s1b0n1  | Node | 1005     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s1b1n0  | Node | 1006     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s1b1n1  | Node | 1007     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s2b0n0  | Node | 1008     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s2b0n1  | Node | 1009     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s2b1n0  | Node | 1010     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |
      | x9002c1s2b1n1  | Node | 1011     | Off   | OK   | True    | X86  | Hill  | Compute     | Compute   | Sling    |

Next Steps

Return to System Power Off Procedures and continue with next step.