Create a Backup of the Keycloak Postgres Database

Perform a manual backup of the contents of the Keycloak Postgres database. This backup can be used to restore the contents of the Keycloak Postgres database at a later point in time using the Restore Keycloak Postgres from Backup procedure.


  • Healthy Keycloak Postgres Cluster.

    Use patronictl list on the Keycloak Postgres cluster to determine the current state of the cluster and note which member is the Leader. A healthy cluster will look similar to the following:

    ncn-mw# kubectl exec keycloak-postgres-0 -n services -c postgres -it -- patronictl list

    Example output:

    + Cluster: keycloak-postgres (7062401252302942285) -----+----+-----------+
    |        Member       |     Host     |  Role  |  State  | TL | Lag in MB |
    | keycloak-postgres-0 | | Leader | running | 13 |           |
    | keycloak-postgres-1 |  |        | running | 13 |         0 |
    | keycloak-postgres-2 | |        | running | 13 |         0 |
  • Healthy Keycloak Service.

    Verify all 3 Keycloak replicas are up and running:

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n services get pods -l cluster-name=keycloak-postgres

    Example output:

    NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    keycloak-postgres-0   3/3     Running   0          12d
    keycloak-postgres-1   3/3     Running   0          12d
    keycloak-postgres-2   3/3     Running   0          12d


  1. Set the Keycloak variables including the Leader which for this case is the member keycloak-postgres-0.

    ncn-mw# CLIENT=cray-keycloak
    ncn-mw# POSTGRESQL=keycloak-postgres
    ncn-mw# NAMESPACE=services
    ncn-mw# POSTGRES_LEADER=keycloak-postgres-0
  2. Scale the client service down.

    ncn-mw# kubectl scale statefulset ${CLIENT} -n ${NAMESPACE} --replicas=0
    # Wait for the pods to terminate
    ncn-mw# while [ $(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE} -l"${CLIENT}" | grep -v NAME | wc -l) != 0 ] ; do 
                echo "  waiting for pods to terminate"; sleep 2
  3. Create a dump of the Keycloak Postgres database.

    ncn-mw# kubectl exec -it ${POSTGRES_LEADER} -n ${NAMESPACE} -c postgres -- pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > "${POSTGRESQL}-dumpall.sql"
  4. Copy the ${POSTGRESQL}-dumpall.sql file off of the cluster, and store it in a secure location.

  5. Scale the client service back up.

    ncn-mw# kubectl scale statefulset ${CLIENT} -n ${NAMESPACE} --replicas=3