Create a Service Account in Keycloak

Set up a Keycloak service account using the Keycloak administration console or the Keycloak REST API. A service account can be used to get a long-lived token that is used by automation tools.

In Keycloak, service accounts are associated with a client. See Service Accounts for more information from the Keycloak documentation.


Follow the steps in only one of the following sections, depending on if it is preferred to use the Keycloak REST API or the Keycloak administration console UI.

Use the Keycloak administration console UI

  1. Log in to the administration console.

    See Access the Keycloak User Management UI for more information.

  2. Click Clients under the Manage header of the navigation panel on the left side of the page.

  3. Click the Create Client button at the top-right of the Clients table.

    Add client in Keycloak

    1. Enter a Client ID for the new client.

      The Client Protocol must be openid-connect and the Root URL can be left blank.

    2. Click the Next button.

    3. Click the Save button.

  4. Customize the new client.

    Once the client is created, a new screen is displayed with more details for the client.

    Keycloak client details

    1. Click on Capability config on the right side under Jump to section.

    2. Change Client authentication to on.

    3. Change Service accounts role to On.

    4. Change Stand Flow Enabled to OFF.

    5. Change Direct Access Grants Enabled to OFF.

    6. Click the Save button.

  5. Assign a role to the client for authorization.

    Keycloak <code>admin-role</code> mapper Keycloak <code>Client scopes</code> table

    1. Switch to the Client scopes tab for the new client.

    2. Click the entry that ends in -dedicated.

      In the image above, the example entry is my-test-client-dedicated.

    3. Click on Add mapper then on By configuration.

    4. Change the Mapper Type to Hardcoded Role.

    5. A table will pop up, and then click on Hardcoded Role.

    6. Enter a name.

      In the image above, the example name is admin-role.

    7. Click on Select Role.

    8. Click on the dropdown that says Filter by realm roles and select Filter by clients.

    9. Click on the role called shasta admin.

    10. Click the Assign button.

    11. Click on the Save button.

Use the Keycloak REST API

  1. (ncn-mw#) Create the get_master_token function to get a token as a Keycloak master administrator.

    MASTER_USERNAME=$(kubectl get secret -n services keycloak-master-admin-auth -ojsonpath='{.data.user}' | base64 -d)
    MASTER_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n services keycloak-master-admin-auth -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)
    SITE_DOMAIN="$(craysys metadata get site-domain)"
    SYSTEM_NAME="$(craysys metadata get system-name)"
    function get_master_token {
      curl -ks -d client_id=admin-cli -d username="${MASTER_USERNAME}" -d password="${MASTER_PASSWORD}" \
          -d grant_type=password "https://${AUTH_FQDN}/keycloak/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token" | \
      jq -r .access_token
  2. (ncn-mw#) Create the client by doing a POST call for a JSON object.

    The clientId should be changed to the name for the new service account.

    curl -is -H "Authorization: Bearer $(get_master_token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
      "clientId": "my-test-client",
      "standardFlowEnabled": false,
      "implicitFlowEnabled": false,
      "directAccessGrantsEnabled": false,
      "serviceAccountsEnabled": true,
      "publicClient": false,
      "protocolMappers": [
          "name": "admin-role",
          "protocol": "openid-connect",
          "protocolMapper": "oidc-hardcoded-role-mapper",
          "consentRequired": false,
          "config": {
            "role": "shasta.admin"
    ' \

    Output similar to the following is expected:

    HTTP/2 201
    content-length: 0