Create Internal User Accounts in the Keycloak Shasta Realm

The following manual procedure can be used to create a user in the Keycloak Shasta realm. New accounts can be created with the Keycloak UI.

New administrator and user accounts are authenticated with Keycloak. Authenticated accounts are needed to use the Cray CLI.


This procedure assumes that the password for the Keycloak admin account is known. The Keycloak password is set during the software installation process.

(ncn-mw#) The password can be obtained with the following command:

kubectl get secret -n services keycloak-master-admin-auth --template={{.data.password}} | base64 --decode


  1. Log in to the administration console.

    See Access the Keycloak User Management UI for more information.

  2. Click on Users under the Manage section on the left side of the window.

  3. Click the Add User button.

  4. Enter the user name and other attributes as required.

  5. Click the Create button.

  6. In the Credentials tab, click Set password.

  7. Turn off the Temporary selector.

  8. Enter the password and repeat it again in the confirmation.

  9. Click the Save button.

  10. Click the red Save Password button.

  11. Create a user and group ID for this user.

    The User Access Service (UAS) requires these attributes. In the Attributes tab, performing the following steps for both the uid and gid attributes:

    1. Add the attribute name to the Key column and its value to the Value column.

    2. Click the Save button.

    3. Click the Save button at the bottom once both the uid and gid attributes have been added.

  12. Optionally add other attributes.

    Other attributes can be added as needed by site-specific applications.

    User accounts need the following attributes defined in order to create a User Access Instance (UAI):

    • gidNumber
    • homeDirectory
    • loginShell
    • uidNumber
  13. Click on the Role Mappings tab to grant the user authority.

    1. Click the Assign Role button.

    2. Click on the dropdown for Filter by realm roles and select Filter by clients.

    3. Select the assigned role either shasta admin or shasta user.

    4. Assign any other roles as needed per site such as system-nexus-client nx-admin.

    5. Click Assign to assign the roles to the user.

  14. Verify that the user account has been created in the Shasta realm.

    This can be verified by performing one or more of the following checks:

    • Ensure that the new user is listed under Users on the Administration Console page.
    • Retrieve a token for the user.
    • Log in to the Keycloak Shasta realm as the new user.
      • This verifies the account’s validity and allows the user to reset their password.
      • This functionality is supported for internal Keycloak accounts only.
  15. (linux#) Verify that the new local Keycloak account can authenticate to the Cray CLI.

    NOTE: Authorization with the Cray CLI is local to a host. The first time the CLI is used on a host where it has not been used before, it is first necessary to authenticate on that host. There is no provided mechanism to distribute CLI authorization across hosts.

    For additional information, see Configure the Cray CLI.

    cray auth login --username USERNAME