Delete Internal User Accounts in the Keycloak Shasta Realm

Manually delete a user account in the Keycloak Shasta realm. User accounts are maintained via the Keycloak user management UI.

Removing an account from Keycloak is a good way to revoke admin or user privileges.


This procedure assumes that the password for the Keycloak admin account is known. The Keycloak password is set during the software installation process.

(ncn-mw#) The password can be obtained with the following command:

kubectl get secret -n services keycloak-master-admin-auth --template={{.data.password}} | base64 --decode


  1. Access the Keycloak user management interface.

    See Access the Keycloak User Management UI.

  2. Navigate to the Users tab under the Manage section on the left.

  3. Search for the username or ID of the account that is being deleted.

  4. Select the user or users that are being deleted by the checkbox to the left of the username.

  5. Click the Delete button in the header of the table to remove the desired account or accounts.