Preserve Username Capitalization for Users Exported from Keycloak

Keycloak converts all characters in a username to lowercase when users are exported. Use this procedure to update the keycloak-users-localize tool with a configuration option that enables administrators to preserve the username letter case when users are exported from Keycloak.

The LDAP server that provides password resolution and user account federation supports mixed case usernames. If the usernames are changed to lowercase when exported from Keycloak, it can cause issues.


  • The kubectl command is installed.
  • Each user’s homeDirectory attribute has the exact username as the last element of the path.


  1. (ncn-mw#) Update the user export setting in the customizations.yaml file.

    Set the userExportNameSource field to homeDirectory in the field in the customizations.yaml file.

    vi customizations.yaml
  2. Re-apply the cray-keycloak-users-localize Helm chart with the updated customizations.yaml file.

  3. (ncn-mw#) Upload the modified customizations.yaml file to Kubernetes.

    kubectl delete secret -n loftsman site-init
    kubectl create secret -n loftsman generic site-init --from-file=customizations.yaml