Remove the Email Mapper from the LDAP User Federation

The email mapper is automatically added to the LDAP user federation in Keycloak, but it can be removed. The system does not use the user’s email for anything, so this function can be removed.

If there are duplicate email addresses for LDAP users, it can cause Keycloak to have issues syncing with LDAP. Removing the email mapper will fix this problem.


  1. Create a function to get a token as a Keycloak master administrator.

    MASTER_USERNAME=$(kubectl get secret -n services keycloak-master-admin-auth -ojsonpath='{.data.user}' | base64 -d)
    MASTER_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n services keycloak-master-admin-auth -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)
    SITE_DOMAIN="$(craysys metadata get site-domain)"
    SYSTEM_NAME="$(craysys metadata get system-name)"
    function get_master_token {
      curl -ks -d client_id=admin-cli -d username="${MASTER_USERNAME}" -d password="${MASTER_PASSWORD}" \
          -d grant_type=password "https://${AUTH_FQDN}/keycloak/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token" | \
        jq -r .access_token
  2. Verify that the new get_master_token function is working.

    If the function is working, it will return a long string that is base-64-encoded.

  3. Get the ID of the LDAP user federation.

    Replace SHASTA-USER-FEDERATION-LDAP in the command below with the name of the user federation being used.

    FEDERATION_ID=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $(get_master_token)" \
    "https://${AUTH_FQDN}/keycloak/admin/realms/shasta/components?name=shasta-user-federation-ldap" \
    | jq .[0].id -r)
  4. Get the ID of the email mapper.

    EMAIL_COMPONENT_ID=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $(get_master_token)" \
    "https://${AUTH_FQDN}/keycloak/admin/realms/shasta/components?name=email&parent=$FEDERATION_ID" \
    | jq .[0].id -r)
  5. Delete the email mapper.

    curl -i -s -XDELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $(get_master_token)" \
  6. Verify in the Keycloak UI that there is no longer an email mapper for the LDAP user federation.

    For more information on accessing the Keycloak UI, see Access the Keycloak User Management UI.

    The email row shown in the image below should no longer be present.

    LDAP User Federation Mappers

  7. Click the Synchronize all users button in the Settings tab for the LDAP user federation.

    The Synchronize all users button will be at the bottom of the page.