Updating the Liquid-Cooled EX Cabinet CEC with Default Credentials after a CEC Password Change

This procedure changes the credential for liquid-cooled EX cabinet chassis controllers and node controller (BMCs) used by CSM services after the CECs have been set to a new global default credential.

NOTE This procedure does not provision Slingshot switch BMCs (RouterBMCs). Slingshot switch BMC default credentials must be changed using the procedures in the Slingshot product documentation. To update Slingshot switch BMCs, refer to “Change Rosetta Login and Redfish API Credentials” in the Slingshot Operations Guide (> 1.6.0).

This procedure provisions only the default Redfish root account passwords. It does not modify Redfish accounts that have been added after an initial system installation.


  • The Cray command line interface (CLI) tool is initialized and configured on the system. See Configure the Cray CLI.
  • The hms-discovery Kubernetes CronJob has been disabled.
  • All blades in the cabinets have been powered off.
  • The procedures in Provisioning a Liquid-Cooled EX Cabinet CEC with Default Credentials have been performed on all CECs in the system.
  • All of the CECs must be configured with the same global credential.
  • The previous default global credential for liquid-cooled BMCs must be known.


The Mountain Endpoint Discovery Service (MEDS) sealed secret contains the default global credential used by MEDS when it discovers new liquid-cooled EX cabinet hardware.

1. Update the default credentials used by MEDS for new hardware

Follow the Redeploying a Chart procedure with the following specifications:

  • Chart name: cray-hms-bss

  • Base manifest name: core-services

  • (ncn-mw#) When reaching the step to update the customizations, perform the following steps:

    Only follow these steps as part of the previously linked chart redeploy procedure.

    1. Run git clone https://github.com/Cray-HPE/csm.git.

    2. Acquire sealed secret keys.

      mkdir -pv certs
      kubectl -n kube-system get secret sealed-secrets-key -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}' | base64 -d > certs/sealed_secrets.crt
      kubectl -n kube-system get secret sealed-secrets-key -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.key}' | base64 -d > certs/sealed_secrets.key
    3. Modify MEDS sealed secret to use new global default credential.

      1. Inspect the original default credential for MEDS.

        ./utils/secrets-decrypt.sh cray_meds_credentials ./certs/sealed_secrets.key ./customizations.yaml | jq .data.vault_redfish_defaults -r | base64 -d | jq

        Example output:

            "Username": "root",
            "Password": "bar"
      2. Specify the desired default credentials for MEDS to use with new hardware.

        Replace foobar with the root user password configured on the CECs.

        echo '{ "Username": "root", "Password": "foobar" }' | base64 > creds.json.b64
      3. Update and regenerate the cray_meds_credentials sealed secret.

        cat << EOF | yq w - 'data.vault_redfish_defaults' "$(<creds.json.b64)" | yq r -j - | ./utils/secrets-encrypt.sh | yq w -f - -i ./customizations.yaml 'spec.kubernetes.sealed_secrets.cray_meds_credentials'
            "kind": "Secret",
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "metadata": {
                "name": "cray-meds-credentials",
                "namespace": "services",
                "creationTimestamp": null
            "data": {}
      4. Decrypt updated sealed secret for review.

        The sealed secret should match the credentials set on the CEC.

        ./utils/secrets-decrypt.sh cray_meds_credentials ./certs/sealed_secrets.key ./customizations.yaml | jq .data.vault_redfish_defaults -r | base64 -d | jq

        Example output:

            "Username": "root",
            "Password": "foobar"
  • (ncn-mw#) When reaching the step to validate the redeployed chart, perform the following steps:

    Only follow these steps as part of the previously linked chart redeploy procedure.

    1. Wait for the MEDS Vault loader job to run to completion.

      kubectl wait -n services job cray-meds-vault-loader --for=condition=complete --timeout=5m
    2. Verify that the default credentials have changed in Vault.

      VAULT_PASSWD=$(kubectl -n vault get secrets cray-vault-unseal-keys -o json | jq -r '.data["vault-root"]' |  base64 -d)
      kubectl -n vault exec -it cray-vault-0 -c vault -- env VAULT_TOKEN=$VAULT_PASSWD VAULT_ADDR= vault kv get secret/meds-cred/global/ipmi

      Example output:

      ====== Data ======
      Key         Value
      ---         -----
      Password    foobar
      Username    root
  • Make sure to perform the entire linked procedure, including the step to save the updated customizations.

2. Update credentials for existing EX hardware in the system

  1. Set CRED_PASSWORD to the new updated password:

    read -s CRED_PASSWORD

    Expected output:

  2. Update the credentials used by CSM services for all previously discovered EX cabinet BMCs to the new global default.

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --format json > /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json
    cray hsm state components list --format json  > /tmp/components.json
    REDFISH_ENDPOINTS=$(jq .RedfishEndpoints[].ID -r /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json | sort -V)
    for RF in $REDFISH_ENDPOINTS; do
        echo "$RF: Checking..."
        TYPE=$(jq -r --arg XNAME "$RF" '.RedfishEndpoints[] | select(.ID == $XNAME).Type' /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json)
        if [[ -z "$TYPE" ]]; then
            echo "$RF missing Type, skipping..."
        elif [[ "$TYPE" == "RouterBMC" ]]; then
            echo "$RF is a RouterBMC, skipping..."
        CLASS=$(jq -r --arg XNAME "$RF" '.Components[] | select(.ID == $XNAME).Class' /tmp/components.json)
        if [[ "$CLASS" != "Mountain" ]]; then
            echo "$RF is not Mountain, skipping..."
        echo "$RF: Updating credentials"
        cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints update ${RF} --user root --password ${CRED_PASSWORD} --id ${RF} --hostname ${RF}

    It will take some time for the above bash script to run. It will take approximately 5 minutes to update all of the credentials for a single fully populated cabinet.

    Alternatively, use the following command on each BMC. Replace BMC_XNAME with the BMC component name (xname) to update the credentials:

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints update BMC_XNAME --user root --password ${CRED_PASSWORD} --id BMC_XNAME --hostname BMC_XNAME
  3. Restart the hms-discovery Kubernetes CronJob.

    kubectl -n services patch cronjobs hms-discovery -p '{"spec" : {"suspend" : false }}'

    After 2-3 minutes, the hms-discovery CronJob will start to power on all of the currently powered off compute slots.

  4. Wait for compute slots to be powered on and for HSM to re-discover the updated Redfish endpoints.

    sleep 300
  5. Wait for all updated Redfish endpoints to become DiscoverOK.

    The following Bash script will find all Redfish endpoints for the liquid-cooled BMCs that are not in DiscoverOK, and display their lastDiscoveryStatus.

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --laststatus '!DiscoverOK' --format json > /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json
    cray hsm state components list --format json  > /tmp/components.json
    REDFISH_ENDPOINTS=$(jq .RedfishEndpoints[].ID -r /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json | sort -V)
    for RF in $REDFISH_ENDPOINTS; do
        TYPE=$(jq -r --arg XNAME "$RF" '.RedfishEndpoints[] | select(.ID == $XNAME).Type' /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json)
        if [[ -z "$TYPE" ]]; then
        elif [[ "$TYPE" == "RouterBMC" ]]; then
        CLASS=$(jq -r --arg XNAME "$RF" '.Components[] | select(.ID == $XNAME).Class' /tmp/components.json)
        if [[ "$CLASS" != "Mountain" ]]; then
        DISCOVERY_STATUS=$(jq -r --arg XNAME "$RF" '.RedfishEndpoints[] | select(.ID == $XNAME).DiscoveryInfo.LastDiscoveryStatus' /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json)
        echo "$RF: $DISCOVERY_STATUS"

    Example output:

    x1001c0r5b0: HTTPsGetFailed
    x1001c1s0b0: HTTPsGetFailed
    x1001c1s0b1: HTTPsGetFailed
    x1001c2s0b1: DiscoveryStarted

    For each Redfish endpoint that is reported use the following to troubleshoot why it is not DiscoverOK or DiscoveryStarted:

    • If the Redfish endpoint is DiscoveryStarted, then that BMC is currently in the process of being inventoried by HSM. Wait a few minutes and re-try the Bash script above to re-check the current discovery status of the RedfishEndpoints.

      The hms-discovery cronjob (if enabled) will trigger a discover on BMCs that are not currently in DiscoverOK or DiscoveryStarted every three minutes.

    • If the Redfish endpoint is HTTPsGetFailed, then HSM had issues contacting BMC.

      1. Verify that the BMC component name (xname) is resolvable and pingable.

        ping x1001c1s0b0
      2. If a NodeBMC is not pingable, then verify that the slot powering the BMC is powered on.

        If this is a ChassisBMC, then skip this step.

        For example, the NodeBMC x1001c1s0b0 is in slot x1001c1s0:

        cray power status describe x1001c1s0 --format toml

        Example output:

        xname = "x1001c1s0"
        powerState = "on"
        managementState = "available"
        error = ""
        supportedPowerTransitions = [ "On", "Force-Off", "Soft-Off", "Off", "Init", "Hard-Restart", "Soft-Restart",]
        lastUpdated = "2024-02-04T01:48:48.3156272Z"

        If the slot is off, power it on:

        cray power transition on --xnames x1001c1s0
      3. If the BMC is reachable and in HTTPsGetFailed, then verify that the BMC is accessible with the new default global credential.

        Replace BMC_XNAME with the hostname of the Redfish endpoint.

        curl -k -u root:$CRED_PASSWORD https://BMC_XNAME/redfish/v1/Managers | jq

        If the error message below is returned, then the BMC must have a StatefulReset action performed on it. The StatefulReset action clears previously user-defined credentials that are taking precedence over the CEC-supplied credential. It also clears NTP, syslog, and SSH key configurations on the BMC.

            "error": {
                "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
                    "@odata.type": "#Message.v1_0_5.Message",
                    "Message": "While attempting to establish a connection to /redfish/v1/Managers, the service was denied access.",
                    "MessageArgs": [
                    "MessageId": "Security.1.0.AccessDenied",
                    "Resolution": "Attempt to ensure that the URI is correct and that the service has the appropriate credentials.",
                    "Severity": "Critical"
                "code": "Security.1.0.AccessDenied",
                "message": "While attempting to establish a connection to /redfish/v1/Managers, the service was denied access."

        Perform a StatefulReset on the liquid-cooled BMC. Replace BMC_XNAME with the hostname of the BMC. The OLD_DEFAULT_PASSWORD must match the credential that was previously set on the BMC. This is mostly likely the previous global default credential for liquid-cooled BMCs.

        curl -k -u root:OLD_DEFAULT_PASSWORD -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d \
                    '{"ResetType": "StatefulReset"}' \

        After the StatefulReset action has been issued, the BMC will be unreachable for a few minutes as it performs the StatefulReset.

3. Reapply BMC settings if a StatefulReset was performed on any BMC

NOTE This section only needs to be performed if any liquid-cooled node or chassis BMCs that had to be StatefulReset.

  1. For each liquid-cooled BMC to which the StatefulReset action was applied, delete the BMC from HSM.

    Replace BMC_XNAME with the BMC component name (xname) to delete.

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints delete BMC_XNAME
  2. Restart MEDS to re-setup the NTP and syslog configuration for the Redfish endpoints.

    1. View running MEDS pods.

      kubectl -n services get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=cray-hms-meds

      Example output:

      NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      cray-meds-6d8b5875bc-4jngc   2/2     Running   0          17d
    2. Restart MEDS.

      kubectl -n services rollout restart deployment cray-meds
      kubectl -n services rollout status deployment cray-meds
  3. Wait five minutes for MEDS to re-discover the deleted Redfish endpoints.

    sleep 300
  4. Verify that all expected hardware has been discovered.

    The following Bash script will find all Redfish endpoints for the liquid-cooled BMCs that are not in DiscoverOK, and display their last discovery status.

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --laststatus '!DiscoverOK' --format json > /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json
    cray hsm state components list --format json  > /tmp/components.json
    REDFISH_ENDPOINTS=$(jq .RedfishEndpoints[].ID -r /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json | sort -V)
    for RF in $REDFISH_ENDPOINTS; do
        TYPE=$(jq -r --arg XNAME "$RF" '.RedfishEndpoints[] | select(.ID == $XNAME).Type' /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json)
        if [[ -z "$TYPE" ]]; then
        elif [[ "$TYPE" == "RouterBMC" ]]; then
        CLASS=$(jq -r --arg XNAME "$RF" '.Components[] | select(.ID == $XNAME).Class' /tmp/components.json)
        if [[ "$CLASS" != "Mountain" ]]; then
        DISCOVERY_STATUS=$(jq -r --arg XNAME "$RF" '.RedfishEndpoints[] | select(.ID == $XNAME).DiscoveryInfo.LastDiscoveryStatus' /tmp/redfishEndpoints.json)
        echo "$RF: $DISCOVERY_STATUS"
  5. Restore SSH keys configured by Cray console services on liquid-cooled Node BMCs.

    Get the SSH console private key from Vault:

    VAULT_PASSWD=$(kubectl -n vault get secrets cray-vault-unseal-keys \
                -o json | jq -r '.data["vault-root"]' |  base64 -d)
    kubectl -n vault exec -t cray-vault-0 -c vault \
                -- env VAULT_TOKEN=$VAULT_PASSWD VAULT_ADDR= \
                VAULT_FORMAT=json vault read transit/export/signing-key/mountain-bmc-console \
                | jq -r .data.keys[]  > ssh-console.key
  6. Generate the SSH public key.

    chmod 0600 ssh-console.key
    export SCSD_SSH_CONSOLE_KEY=$(ssh-keygen -yf ssh-console.key)
  7. Delete the SSH console private key from disk.

    rm ssh-console.key
  8. Generate a payload for the SCSD service.

    The administrator must be authenticated to the Cray CLI before proceeding. See Configure the Cray Command Line Interface.

    cat > scsd_cfg.json <<DATA
    $(cray hsm state components list --class Mountain --type NodeBMC --format json | jq -r '[.Components[] | .ID]'),
            "SSHConsoleKey":"$(echo $SCSD_SSH_CONSOLE_KEY)"

    Alternatively create a scsd_cfg.json file with only the SSH console key:

    cat > scsd_cfg.json <<DATA
            "SSHConsoleKey":"$(echo $SCSD_SSH_CONSOLE_KEY)"
  9. Edit the Targets array to contain the NodeBMCs that have have had the StatefulReset action.

    1. Inspect the generated scsd_cfg.json file.

      Ensure that the following are true before running the cray scsd command in the following step:

      • The component name (xname) looks valid/appropriate.
        • Limit the scsd_cfg.json file to NodeBMCs that have had the StatefulReset action applied to them.
      • The SSHConsoleKey settings match the desired public key.
    2. Apply SSH console key to the NodeBMCs:

      cray scsd bmc loadcfg create scsd_cfg.json
    3. Check the output to verify all hardware has been set with the correct keys.

      Passwordless SSH to the consoles should now function as expected.