Spire Service Recovery

The following covers redeploying the Spire service and restoring the data.


  • The system is fully installed and has transitioned off of the LiveCD.
  • All activities required for site maintenance are complete.
  • The latest CSM documentation has been installed on the master nodes. See Check for Latest Documentation.
  • The Cray CLI has been configured on the node where the procedure is being performed. See Configure the Cray CLI.

Service recovery for Spire

  1. (ncn-mw#) Uninstall the spire and cray-spire charts and wait for the resources to terminate.

    1. Note the version of the spire chart that is currently deployed.

      helm history -n spire spire

      Example output:

      1         Wed Nov 15 12:41:47 2023   deployed  spire-2.14.2   0.12.2       Install complete
    2. Uninstall the spire chart.

      helm uninstall -n spire spire

      Example output:

      release "spire" uninstalled
    3. Note the version of the cray-spire chart that is currently deployed.

      helm history -n spire cray-spire

      Example output:

      REVISION    UPDATED                   STATUS    CHART             APP VERSION  DESCRIPTION
      1           Wed Nov 15 12:41:50 2023  deployed  cray-spire-1.5.4  1.5.5        Install complete
    4. Uninstall the cray-spire chart.

      helm uninstall -n spire cray-spire

      Example output:

      release "cray-spire" uninstalled
    5. Wait for the resources to terminate, delete the PVCs, and clean up spire-agent before reinstalling the charts.

      1. Verify that only tpm-provisioner pods (or no pods) are running in spire namespace.

        watch "kubectl get pods -n spire"

        Example output:

        NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
        tpm-provisioner-0                             2/2     Running   0             17d
      2. Delete the Spire server PVCs.

        kubectl get pvc -n spire | grep spire-server | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete -n spire pvc

        Example output:

        persistentvolumeclaim "data-cray-spire-server-0" deleted
        persistentvolumeclaim "data-cray-spire-server-1" deleted
        persistentvolumeclaim "data-cray-spire-server-2" deleted
        persistentvolumeclaim "spire-data-spire-server-0" deleted
        persistentvolumeclaim "spire-data-spire-server-1" deleted
        persistentvolumeclaim "spire-data-spire-server-2" deleted
      3. Clean up spire-agent.

        for ncn in $(kubectl get nodes -o name | cut -d'/' -f2); do
            echo "Cleaning up NCN ${ncn}"
            ssh "${ncn}" systemctl stop spire-agent
            ssh "${ncn}" rm -v /var/lib/spire/data/keys.json /var/lib/spire/agent_svid.der /var/lib/spire/bundle.der
  2. (ncn-mw#) Redeploy the spire and cray-spire charts and wait for the resources to start.

    1. Follow the Redeploying a Chart procedure to redeploy the spire chart:

      • Name of chart to be redeployed: spire
      • Base name of manifest: sysmgmt
      • When reaching the step to update customizations, no edits need to be made to the customizations file.
    2. Repeat the above procedure for the cray-spire chart:

      • Name of chart to be redeployed: cray-spire
      • Base name of manifest: sysmgmt
    3. Wait for the resources to start.

      watch "kubectl get pods -n spire"

      Example output:

      NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
      cray-spire-agent-7w6tc                        1/1     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-agent-b6754                        1/1     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-agent-pxqmq                        1/1     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-agent-rxsbf                        1/1     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-jwks-76f48d6484-b72jf              3/3     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-jwks-76f48d6484-v5b5n              3/3     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-jwks-76f48d6484-xgnxw              3/3     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-postgres-0                         3/3     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-postgres-1                         3/3     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-postgres-2                         3/3     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-postgres-pooler-86797d8b9b-p2nkf   2/2     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-postgres-pooler-86797d8b9b-rfvr8   2/2     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-postgres-pooler-86797d8b9b-t9xwt   2/2     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-server-0                           2/2     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-server-1                           2/2     Running   0              10m
      cray-spire-server-2                           2/2     Running   0              10m
      request-ncn-join-token-4hgnt                  2/2     Running   0              15m
      request-ncn-join-token-67qlz                  2/2     Running   0              15m
      request-ncn-join-token-75q2l                  2/2     Running   0              15m
      request-ncn-join-token-d24wv                  2/2     Running   0              15m
      request-ncn-join-token-q56zm                  2/2     Running   0              15m
      request-ncn-join-token-tmz4l                  2/2     Running   0              15m
      request-ncn-join-token-z87pl                  2/2     Running   0              15m
      spire-agent-42gb2                             1/1     Running   0              15m
      spire-agent-6lxv9                             1/1     Running   0              15m
      spire-agent-hhbqm                             1/1     Running   0              15m
      spire-agent-sztjm                             1/1     Running   0              15m
      spire-jwks-6cd9d5b5b5-6bmcb                   3/3     Running   0              15m
      spire-jwks-6cd9d5b5b5-gz2tl                   3/3     Running   0              15m
      spire-jwks-6cd9d5b5b5-pds25                   3/3     Running   0              15m
      spire-postgres-0                              3/3     Running   0              15m
      spire-postgres-1                              3/3     Running   0              15m
      spire-postgres-2                              3/3     Running   0              15m
      spire-postgres-pooler-75964fbc66-6hvvq        2/2     Running   0              15m
      spire-postgres-pooler-75964fbc66-d52mg        2/2     Running   0              15m
      spire-postgres-pooler-75964fbc66-nm6v6        2/2     Running   0              15m
      spire-server-0                                2/2     Running   0              15m
      spire-server-1                                2/2     Running   0              15m
      spire-server-2                                2/2     Running   0              15m
      tpm-provisioner-0                             2/2     Running   0              17d
    4. Rejoin the storage nodes to Spire and restart the spire-agent on all NCNs.

      for i in $(kubectl get nodes -o name | cut -d"/" -f2) $(ceph node ls | jq -r '.[] | keys[]' | sort -u); do ssh $i systemctl start spire-agent; done