Configure Prometheus Alerta Alert Notifications

Configure an Alerta alert notification for Prometheus Alertmanager alerts.

System domain name

The SYSTEM_DOMAIN_NAME value found in some of the URLs on this page is expected to be the system’s fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

(ncn-mw#) The FQDN can be found by running the following command on any Kubernetes NCN.

kubectl get secret site-init -n loftsman -o jsonpath='{.data.customizations\.yaml}' | base64 -d | yq r -

Example output:

Be sure to modify the example URLs on this page by replacing SYSTEM_DOMAIN_NAME with the actual value found using the above command.


This procedure can be performed on any master or worker NCN.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Save the current alert notification configuration, in case a rollback is needed.

    kubectl get secret -n sysmgmt-health alertmanager-cray-sysmgmt-health-kube-p-alertmanager \
            -ojsonpath='{.data.alertmanager\.yaml}' | base64 --decode > /tmp/alertmanager-default.yaml
  2. (ncn-mw#) Create a secret and an alert configuration that will be used to add Alerta notifications for the alerts.

    1. Create the secret file.

      Create a file named /tmp/alertmanager-secret.yaml with the following contents:

      apiVersion: v1
        alertmanager.yaml: ALERTMANAGER_CONFIG
      kind: Secret
          app: kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager
          chart: kube-prometheus-stack-45.1.1
          heritage: Helm
          release: cray-sysmgmt-health
        name: alertmanager-cray-sysmgmt-health-kube-p-alertmanager
        namespace: sysmgmt-health
      type: Opaque
    2. Create the Alerta alert configuration file.

      In the following example file, the Alerta server is used to send the notification to http://sma-alerta.sma.svc.cluster.local:8080/webhooks/prometheus. Update the fields under webhook_configs: to reflect the desired configuration.

      Create a file named /tmp/alertmanager-new.yaml with the following contents:

        resolve_timeout: 5m
        group_by: ['alertname']
        group_wait: 30s
        group_interval: 5m
        repeat_interval: 1h
        receiver: 'web.hook'
      - name: 'web.hook'
        - url: 'http://sma-alerta.sma.svc.cluster.local:8080/webhooks/prometheus'
        - source_match:
            severity: 'critical'
            severity: 'warning'
          equal: ['alertname', 'dev', 'instance']
  3. (ncn-mw#) Replace the alert notification configuration based on the files created in the previous steps.

    sed "s/ALERTMANAGER_CONFIG/$(cat /tmp/alertmanager-new.yaml \
                | base64 -w0)/g" /tmp/alertmanager-secret.yaml \
                | kubectl replace --force -f -
  4. (ncn-mw#) Validate the configuration changes.

    1. Validate the alerts using cm health commands.

      cm health  alert -s

      Example output:

      Alert Status        Count
      ------------        -----
      Critical            13
      Warnings            31
      prometheus             critical        critical : 13, warning : 31, info : 0
      cm health  alert  prometheus

      Example output:

      prometheus              Severity         Summary
      ----------              ---------        -------         warning         KubeDeploymentReplicasMismatch:1,
                                               KubeStatefulSetReplicasMismatch:1, KubeJobFailed:1         warning         PostgresqlHighRollbackRate:1,
    2. If the configuration does not look accurate, check the logs for errors.

      kubectl logs -f -n sysmgmt-health pod/alertmanager-cray-sysmgmt-health-kube-p-alertmanager-0 alertmanager

An Alerta notification will be sent once either of the alerts set in this procedure is FIRING in Prometheus. See https://prometheus.cmn.SYSTEM_DOMAIN_NAME/alerts for more information.