Retrieve SMART data from ClusterStor E1000 nodes via Redfish Exporter

This is a Prometheus Exporter for extracting metrics from a server using the Redfish API. The hostname of the server has to be passed as target parameter in the http call.

All these steps need to be followed post install/upgrade CSM services.

Configure domain name for ClusterStor management node

NOTE: The below steps needs to be performed on the ClusterStor E1000 node.

In order to provide SMART data to the prometheus time series database, the Redfish Exporter must be configured with domain name from ClusterStor primary management node.

  1. Find the ip address of both mgmt nodes on the external access network (EAN) of ClusterStor.

    1. If static EAN IP addresses are configured on the mgmt nodes in the, following command will show what they are:

      [root@kjcf01n00 ~]# cscli ean ipaddr show

      Example Output:

      Node       Network       Interface  IP ADDRESS
      kjcf01n00  EAN           pub0
      kjcf01n01  EAN           pub0
    2. If static IP addresses have not been configured on the mgmt nodes in the cluster, and the cscli ean ipaddr show command returns empty, as seen below:

      [root@kjlmo1200 ~]# cscli ean ipaddr show

      Example Output:

      1. Check what the primary EAN interface name is with the following command:

        [root@kjlmo1200 ~]# cscli ean primary show

        Example Output:

        Interface: pub0
        Added EAN primary interfaces:
        Free interfaces:

        This output indicates that the primary EAN interface is pub0, this is the default primary EAN interface on ClusterStor mgmt nodes. If no static IP address is set on this interface, it will default to DHCP.

        Check the IP address of this interface on both mgmt nodes with the following command:

        [root@kjlmo1200 ~]# pdsh -g mgmt ip a l pub0 | dshbak -c

        Example Output:

        2: pub0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
            link/ether b4:96:91:02:73:0c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
            altname enp8s0f0
            inet brd scope global dynamic pub0
               valid_lft 80500sec preferred_lft 80500sec
        2: pub0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
            link/ether b4:96:91:03:10:74 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
            altname enp22s0f0
            inet brd scope global dynamic pub0
               valid_lft 77093sec preferred_lft 77093sec
  2. Get the FQDN of each mgmt node from the primary EAN ip addresses found on each using nslookup.

    [root@kjlmo1200 ~]# nslookup

    Example Output:  name =
    [root@kjlmo1200 ~]# nslookup

    Example Output:   name =
  3. Determine which mgmt nodes is currently the primary mgmt node.

    The RFSF API services run on the primary mgmt node in the ClusterStor SMU. To determine which node is currently the primary mgmt node, look at cscli show_nodes output:

    [root@kjlmo1200 ~]# cscli show_nodes

    Example Output:

    Hostname   Role         Power State  Service State  Targets  HA Partner  HA Resources
    kjlmo1200  MGMT         On           N/a            0 / 0    kjlmo1201   None
    kjlmo1201  (MGMT)       On           N/a            0 / 0    kjlmo1200   None
    kjlmo1202  (MDS),(MGS)  On           Stopped        0 / 1    kjlmo1203   Local
    kjlmo1203  (MDS),(MGS)  On           Stopped        0 / 1    kjlmo1202   Local
    kjlmo1204  (OSS)        On           Stopped        0 / 3    kjlmo1205   Local
    kjlmo1205  (OSS)        On           Stopped        0 / 3    kjlmo1204   Local

    NOTE: The MGMT node where Role is NOT surrounded by parentheses is the current primary MGMT node (kjlmo1200 above). This is also the node that can run cscli, so that is another indication of which node is primary vs. secondary. If a node is failed over, the output changes as follows:

    [root@kjlmo1200 ~]# cscli show_nodes

    Example Output:

    Hostname   Role         Power State  Service State  Targets  HA Partner  HA Resources
    kjlmo1200  (MGMT)       On           N/a            0 / 0    kjlmo1201   None
    kjlmo1201  MGMT         On           N/a            0 / 0    kjlmo1200   None
    kjlmo1202  (MDS),(MGS)  On           Stopped        0 / 1    kjlmo1203   Local
    kjlmo1203  (MDS),(MGS)  On           Stopped        0 / 1    kjlmo1202   Local
    kjlmo1204  (OSS)        On           Stopped        0 / 3    kjlmo1205   Local
    kjlmo1205  (OSS)        On           Stopped        0 / 3    kjlmo1204   Local
  4. Select the FQDN of the primary mgmt node to use as your RFSF API connection destination.

    The FQDN of the primary EAN ip address discovered above on the primary mgmt node is the FQDN that should be used to connected to the RFSF API.

    The primary EAN ip address discovered above on the secondary node should be used in the case of a failover on the mgmt nodes that causes the secondary node to become the primary.

Create admin user (LDAP instance) on ClusterStor E1000 primary mgmt node

NOTE: The below steps needs to be performed on the ClusterStor E1000 node.

  1. Add an admin user on primary management node discovered in the above section.

    cscli admins add --username abcxyz --role full --password Abcxyz@123

    NOTE: Password should have minimum length of 8 characters with minimum 1 lowercase alphabet, 1 uppercase alphabet, 1 alpha numeric and 1 special character.

  2. View the created admins user.

    cscli admins list

    Output will look similar to:

    Username   Role      Uid   SSH Enabled  Web Enabled  Policy
    abcxyz     full      1503     True         True      default

Create Configmap with FQDN of the primary mgmt node

NOTE: The below steps needs to be performed on the CSM cluster either on master or worker node.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Check if configmap cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish already exists.

    kubectl get cm -n sysmgmt-health cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish

    Example Output:

    NAME                          DATA   AGE
    cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish   1      15d
  2. (ncn-mw#) Delete the existing configmap.

    kubectl delete cm -n sysmgmt-health cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish --force
  3. (ncn-mw#) Create a configmap file /tmp/configmap.yml with the below content and replace TARGET with site specific FQDN of the primary mgmt node from the above section in the second last line. For example,

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      annotations: cray-sysmgmt-health sysmgmt-health
      name: cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish
      namespace: sysmgmt-health
      labels: cray-sysmgmt-health Helm redfish-exporter 0.11.0
        release: cray-sysmgmt-health
    data: |
        curl -o /tmp/redfish-smart-1.prom cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish-exporter.sysmgmt-health.svc:9220/health?target=${TARGET}    

    NOTE: In case ClusterStor has more than one or multiple primary management node then multiple targets and curl commands can be used. The above script file under data section will look similar to:

    data: |
        curl -o /tmp/redfish-smart-1.prom cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish-exporter.sysmgmt-health.svc:9220/health?target=${TARGET1}
        curl -o /tmp/redfish-smart-1.prom cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish-exporter.sysmgmt-health.svc:9220/health?target=${TARGET2}
        curl -o /tmp/redfish-smart-1.prom cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish-exporter.sysmgmt-health.svc:9220/health?target=${TARGETN}    
  4. (ncn-mw#) Apply the above file to create a configmap in sysmgmt-health namespace.

    kubectl apply -f /tmp/configmap.yml -n sysmgmt-health
  5. (ncn-mw#) Verify if the configmap is created or not.

    kubectl get configmap -n sysmgmt-health | grep redfish

    Example Output:

    cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish                                    1      1m

Configure Username and Password for Redfish Exporter

LDAP instance - Username and Password created on ClusterStor primary management node in the above step will be used here to configure Redfish Exporter.

This procedure can be performed on any master or worker NCN.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Save the current redfish-exporter configuration, in case a rollback is needed.

    kubectl get secret -n sysmgmt-health cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish-exporter \         
         -ojsonpath='{.data.config\.yml}' | base64 --decode > /tmp/config-default.yaml
  2. (ncn-mw#) Create a secret and an redfish-exporter configuration that will be used to add ClusterStor user LDAP instance credential.

    1. Create the secret file.

      Create a file named /tmp/redfish-secret.yaml with the following contents:

      apiVersion: v1
        config.yml: REDFISH_CONFIG
      kind: Secret
          release: cray-sysmgmt-health
        name: cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish-exporter
        namespace: sysmgmt-health
      type: Opaque
    2. Create the alert configuration file.

      Create a file named /tmp/redfish-new.yaml with the following contents:

      listen_port: 9220
      timeout: 30
      username: "abcdef"
      password: "Abcd@123"
      rf_port: 8081

      NOTE: In the following example file, the rf_port is for the NEO RFSF API main RESTful server (by default it is set to 8081) and listen_port is the redfish-exporter port. Update username, password to reflect the desired configuration.

  3. (ncn-mw#) Replace the redfish-exporter configuration based on the files created in the previous steps.

    sed "s/REDFISH_CONFIG/$(cat /tmp/redfish-new.yaml \
                | base64 -w0)/g" /tmp/redfish-secret.yaml \
                | kubectl replace --force -f -
  4. (ncn-mw#) Validate the configuration changes.

    1. Get the redfish-exporter pod in sysmgmt-health namespace.

      kubectl get pods -n sysmgmt-health | grep redfish

      Example output:

      cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish-exporter-86f7596c5-g6lxl            1/1     Running     0                3h25m
    2. View the current configuration after few minutes.

      kubectl exec cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish-exporter-86f7596c5-g6lxl \
              -n sysmgmt-health -c redfish-exporter -- cat /config/config.yml
    3. If the configuration does not look accurate, check the logs for errors.

      kubectl logs -f -n sysmgmt-health pod/cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish-exporter-86f7596c5-g6lxl
  5. (ncn-mw#) Delete the redfish-exporter pod so that latest configuration is picked up.

    1. Delete the redfish-exporter pod.

      kubectl delete pod -n sysmgmt-health cray-sysmgmt-health-redfish-exporter-86f7596c5-g6lxl --force
    2. Valdiate the pod is running again after sometime.

      kubectl get pod -n sysmgmt-health | grep redfish

Metrics Information:

The SMART data in prometheus format would look like:

smartmon_temperature_celsius_raw_value{disk="/dev/sdk",host="",endpoint="metrics", instance="", job="node-exporter", namespace="sysmgmt-health", pod="cray-sysmgmt-health-prometheus-node-exporter-74fd8",redfish_instance="",type="sas"} 33.0
smartmon_power_cycle_count_raw_value{disk="/dev/sdk",host=""endpoint="metrics", instance="", job="node-exporter", namespace="sysmgmt-health", pod="cray-sysmgmt-health-prometheus-node-exporter-74fd8",redfish_instance="",type="sas"} 0.0
smartmon_power_on_hours_raw_value{disk="/dev/sdk",host=""endpoint="metrics", instance="", job="node-exporter", namespace="sysmgmt-health", pod="cray-sysmgmt-health-prometheus-node-exporter-74fd8",redfish_instance="",type="sas"} 30531.0
smartmon_smartctl_run{disk="/dev/sdk",host=""endpoint="metrics", instance="", job="node-exporter", namespace="sysmgmt-health", pod="cray-sysmgmt-health-prometheus-node-exporter-74fd8",redfish_instance="",type="sas"} 1.715076005e+09
smartmon_device_active{disk="/dev/sdm",host="",endpoint="metrics", instance="", job="node-exporter", namespace="sysmgmt-health", pod="cray-sysmgmt-health-prometheus-node-exporter-74fd8",edfish_instance="",type="sas"} 1.0

NOTE: In the above metrics example redfish_instance is the E1000 node primary management name IP address and instance is the master/worker node IP address where redfish-exporter pod is scheduled. In case of open source grafana dashboards, instance in the grafana dashboards variable needs to be replaced with redfish_instance to get the E1000 SMART data.