Create and Use Default UAIs in Legacy Mode

NOTE: UAI is deprecated in CSM 1.5.2 and will be removed in CSM 1.6.

Create a UAI using the default UAI image or the default UAI class in legacy mode.


  1. (user>) Create a UAI with a command of the following form:

    cray uas create --public-key '<path>'

    <path> is the path to a file containing an SSH public-key matched to the SSH private key belonging to the user.

  2. (user>) Watch the UAI and see when it is ready for logins.

    cray uas list
  3. Log into the UAI using the ssh command.

  4. (user>) Delete the UAI when finished working with it.

    cray uas delete --uai-list '<uai-list>'

Example UAI Lifecycle

In the following example, the user logs into the CLI using cray auth login with a user name and password matching that user’s credentials in Keycloak.

vers> cray auth login
Username: vers

vers> cray uas list
results = []

From there the user creates a UAI. The UAI starts out in a Pending or Waiting state as Kubernetes constructs its pod and starts its container running.

vers> cray uas create --publickey ~/.ssh/
uai_age = "0m"
uai_connect_string = "ssh vers@"
uai_host = "ncn-w002"
uai_img = "registry.local/cray/cray-uai-sles15sp2:1.2.4"
uai_ip = ""
uai_msg = ""
uai_name = "uai-vers-01b26dd1"
uai_status = "Running: Ready"
username = "vers"


vers> cray uas list
 cray uas list
uai_age = "1m"
uai_connect_string = "ssh vers@"
uai_host = "ncn-w002"
uai_img = "registry.local/cray/cray-uai-sles15sp2:1.2.4"
uai_ip = ""
uai_msg = ""
uai_name = "uai-vers-01b26dd1"
uai_status = "Running: Ready"
username = "vers"

Using cray uas list, the user watches the UAI until it reaches a Running: Ready state. The UAI is now ready to accept SSH logins from the user, and the user then logs into the UAI to run a simple Slurm job, and logs out.

vers> ssh vers@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:5gU4SPiw8UvcX7s+xJfVMKULaUi3e0E3i+XA6AklEJA.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
vers@uai-vers-01b26dd1-45tpc:~> ps -afe
root         1     0  0 14:50 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/
root        45     1  0 14:50 ?        00:00:00 su vers -c /usr/sbin/sshd -e -f /etc/uas/ssh/sshd_config -D
vers        46    45  0 14:50 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -e -f /etc/uas/ssh/sshd_config -D
vers       107    46  0 14:53 ?        00:00:00 sshd: vers [priv]
vers       110   107  0 14:53 ?        00:00:00 sshd: vers@pts/0
vers       111   110  0 14:53 pts/0    00:00:00 -bash
vers       148   111  0 14:53 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -afe
vers@uai-vers-01b26dd1-45tpc:~> exit
Connection to closed.

Now finished with the UAI, the user deletes it with cray uas delete. If the user has more than one UAI to delete, the argument to the --uai-list option can be a comma-separated list of UAI names.

vers> cray uas delete --uai-list uai-vers-01b26dd1
results = [ "Successfully deleted uai-vers-01b26dd1",]

Top: User Access Service (UAS)

Next Topic: List Available UAI Images in Legacy Mode