List Available UAI Images in Legacy Mode

NOTE: UAI is deprecated in CSM 1.5.2 and will be removed in CSM 1.6.

A user can list the UAI images available for creating a UAI with a command of the form:

user> cray uas images list

For example:

vers>  cray uas images list
default_image = "registry.local/cray/cray-uai-sles15sp2:1.2.4"
image_list = [ "registry.local/cray/cray-uai-sles15sp2:1.2.4", "registry.local/cray/cray-uai-sanity-test:1.2.4", "registry.local/cray/cray-uai-broker:1.2.4",]

Top: User Access Service (UAS)

Next Topic: Create UAIs From Specific UAI Images in Legacy Mode