Troubleshoot Common Mistakes when Creating a Custom End-User UAI Image

NOTE: UAS and UAI are deprecated in CSM 1.5.2 and will be removed in CSM 1.6

There are several problems that may occur while making or working with custom end-user UAI images. The following are some basic troubleshooting questions to ask:

  • Does SESSION_NAME match an actual entry in cray bos v2 sessiontemplates list?
  • Is the SESSION_ID set to an appropriate UUID format? Did the awk command not parse the UUID correctly?
  • Did the file /etc/security/limits.d/99-slingshot-network.conf get removed from the tarball correctly?
  • Does the ENTRYPOINT /usr/bin/ exist?
  • Did the container image get pushed and registered with UAS?
  • Did the creation process run from a real worker or master node as opposed to a LiveCD node?

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