Troubleshoot Ceph MDS Client Connectivity Issues

Use this procedure to diagnose and fix clients not logging into Ceph FS.

NOTE This section does not diagnose nor fix network issues. Please ensure that all networking is functional before proceeding.

IMPORTANT: The following commands can be run from ncn-m001/2/3 or ncn-s001/2/3.


  1. Identify if clients are not logged into Ceph FS.

    ceph fs status

    Example output:

    cephfs - 0 clients    <---- This indicates we have no clients connected
    RANK      STATE                MDS               ACTIVITY     DNS    INOS
    0        active      cephfs.ncn-s001.abiiiw  Reqs:    0 /s     0      0
    0-s   standby-replay  cephfs.ncn-s002.kyayma  Evts:   38 /s  35.5k  3220
         POOL         TYPE     USED  AVAIL
    cephfs_metadata  metadata  2403M  11.1T
    cephfs_data      data    2641G  11.1T
  2. Fail over the MDS to trigger clients logins.

    ceph mds fail 0

    NOTE “0” refers to the active rank in our above output.

  3. Verify clients have reconnected.

    ceph fs status

    Example output:

    cephfs - 24 clients   <---- Shows our clients have reconnected
    RANK      STATE                MDS               ACTIVITY     DNS    INOS
     0        active      cephfs.ncn-s002.kyayma  Reqs:    1 /s  52.8k  20.3k
    0-s   standby-replay  cephfs.ncn-s003.sjatdm  Evts:    0 /s     0      0
          POOL         TYPE     USED  AVAIL
    cephfs_metadata  metadata  2404M  11.1T
      cephfs_data      data    2641G  11.1T
         STANDBY MDS
    MDS version: ceph version 15.2.8 (bdf3eebcd22d7d0b3dd4d5501bee5bac354d5b55) octopus (stable)