Flags Set For Nodes In HSM

Table of contents


This document describes how to identify and troubleshoot issues with nodes in HSM that have flags other than “OK” set.

Warning Flags

Warning flags are set for nodes in HSM when BMCs report an unhealthy status in Redfish for some component associated with the node.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Check for nodes with “Warning” flags set in HSM.

    cray hsm state components list --type Node --flag Warning --format json | jq '.Components[] | { ID: .ID, Flag: .Flag }' -c | sort -V | jq -c

    Example output:

  2. (ncn-mw#) Check the BMCs of the “Warning” flag nodes for endpoints with unhealthy statuses in Redfish.

    Example command:

    curl -s -k -u root:<password> https://<bmc_xname>/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Memory/proc1dimm1 | jq

    Example output for unhealthy DIMM:

        "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Memory/proc1dimm1",
        "@odata.type": "#Memory.v1_7_1.Memory",
        "Id": "proc1dimm1",
        "Oem": {
            "Hpe": {
            "DIMMStatus": "Degraded",
        "Status": {
            "Health": "Warning",
            "State": "Enabled"

    Example command:

    curl -s -k -u root:<password> https://<bmc_xname>/redfish/v1/Chassis/Enclosure | jq

    Example output for unhealthy Chassis Enclosure:

        "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/Enclosure",
        "@odata.type": "#Chassis.v1_5_1.Chassis",
        "ChassisType": "Enclosure",
        "Status": {
            "Health": "Critical",
            "State": "Enabled"

The Redfish event logs may also help determine the cause of unhealthy statuses.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Check the log entries for components with unhealthy statuses.

    curl -s -k -u root:<password> https://<bmc_xname>/redfish/v1/Chassis/Self/LogServices/Logs/Entries/<num> | jq

    Example of log entry for unhealthy Power Supply:

        "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/Self/LogServices/Logs/Entries/113",
        "@odata.type": "#LogEntry.v1_4_2.LogEntry",
        "EventTimestamp": "2022-07-27T06:18:55+00:00",
        "Links": {
            "OriginOfCondition": {
            "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/Self/Power"
        "Message": "0x00FFFF",
        "MessageId": "AmiIpmiOem.1.0.GeneralEventData",
        "Name": "LOG 113",
        "SensorNumber": 230,
        "SensorType": "Power Supply / Converter",
        "Severity": "Critical"

Alert Flags

Nodes with “Alert” flags set that are also in “Standby” state in HSM indicate that heartbeats have been lost for the node.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Check for nodes with “Alert” flags set and “Standby” state in HSM.

    cray hsm state components list --type Node --flag Alert --state Standby --format json | jq '.Components[] | { ID: .ID, Flag: .Flag, State: .State }' -c | sort -V | jq -c

    Example output:


Alert flags will be cleared when heartbeats resume for the node. If the node is accessible, check to see if it can communicate.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Check the heartbeat status on the node.

    ssh root@<node_xname> systemctl status cray-heartbeat