Goss Test Fails with Connection Refused

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Follow this procedure when a Goss test fails with Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused.

Example Error

The following is an example of this error.

ERROR: Error encountered running http://ncn-s003.hmn:8997/ncn-healthcheck-storage tests: Unexpected error attempting GET request to http://ncn-s003.hmn:8997/ncn-healthcheck-storage:
ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='ncn-s003.hmn', port=8997): Max retries exceeded with url: /ncn-healthcheck-storage (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f8890320a58>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))
ERROR: Skipping http://ncn-s003.hmn:8997/ncn-healthcheck-storage due to error
ERROR: Error encountered running http://ncn-s003.hmn:8999/ncn-afterpitreboot-healthcheck-storage tests: Unexpected error attempting GET request to http://ncn-s003.hmn:8999/ncn-afterpitreboot-healthcheck-storage: ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='ncn-s003.hmn', port=8999):
Max retries exceeded with url: /ncn-afterpitreboot-healthcheck-storage (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f88902ecd68>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))
ERROR: Skipping http://ncn-s003.hmn:8999/ncn-afterpitreboot-healthcheck-storage due to error

Examining the problem

This error means that not all Goss tests on the NCN are available via the Goss servers. This can be seen by comparing the output from systemctl status goss-servers on multiple nodes of the same type (i.e. storage, master, worker). The node with the error will have less entries under CGroup. The following is an example of output from a node with and without this error.

If the error is on ncn-s003, the following might be seen when running systemctl status goss-servers on ncn-s003.

ncn-s003:~ # systemctl status goss-servers
● goss-servers.service - goss-servers
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/goss-servers.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2023-12-03 18:14:10 UTC; 1 week 4 days ago
   Main PID: 6590 (bash)
      Tasks: 14
     CGroup: /system.slice/goss-servers.service
             ├─6590 /bin/bash /usr/sbin/start-goss-servers.sh
             ├─6654 /usr/bin/goss -g /opt/cray/tests/install/ncn/suites/ncn-preflight-tests.yaml --vars /tmp/goss-variables-1701627250-GrTf8J-temp.yaml serve --format json --max-concurrent 4 --endpoint /ncn-preflight-tests --listen-addr
             ├─6655 /usr/bin/goss -g /opt/cray/tests/install/ncn/suites/ncn-smoke-tests.yaml --vars /tmp/goss-variables-1701627250-GrTf8J-temp.yaml serve --format json --max-concurrent 4 --endpoint /ncn-smoke-tests --listen-addr
             └─6660 sleep infinity

On another storage node without this error, there would be more entries in CGroup when running systemctl status goss-servers on that node.

ncn-s001:~ # systemctl status goss-servers
● goss-servers.service - goss-servers
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/goss-servers.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-12-01 20:00:46 UTC; 1 week 6 days ago
   Main PID: 169809 (bash)
      Tasks: 92
     CGroup: /system.slice/goss-servers.service
             ├─169809 /bin/bash /usr/sbin/start-goss-servers.sh
             ├─169889 /usr/bin/goss -g /opt/cray/tests/install/ncn/suites/ncn-preflight-tests.yaml --vars /tmp/goss-variables-1701460846-P7yxMI-temp.yaml serve --format json --max-concurrent 4 --endpoint /ncn-preflight-tests --listen-addr
             ├─169890 /usr/bin/goss -g /opt/cray/tests/install/ncn/suites/ncn-smoke-tests.yaml --vars /tmp/goss-variables-1701460846-P7yxMI-temp.yaml serve --format json --max-concurrent 4 --endpoint /ncn-smoke-tests --listen-addr
             ├─169891 /usr/bin/goss -g /opt/cray/tests/install/ncn/suites/ncn-spire-healthchecks.yaml --vars /tmp/goss-variables-1701460846-P7yxMI-temp.yaml serve --format json --max-concurrent 4 --endpoint /ncn-spire-healthchecks --listen-addr
             ├─169892 /usr/bin/goss -g /opt/cray/tests/install/ncn/suites/ncn-healthcheck-storage.yaml --vars /tmp/goss-variables-1701460846-P7yxMI-temp.yaml serve --format json --max-concurrent 4 --endpoint /ncn-healthcheck-storage --listen-addr
             ├─169893 /usr/bin/goss -g /opt/cray/tests/install/ncn/suites/ncn-afterpitreboot-healthcheck-storage.yaml --vars /tmp/goss-variables-1701460846-P7yxMI-temp.yaml serve --format json --max-concurrent 4 --endpoint /ncn-afterpitreboot-healthcheck-storage --listen-addr
             ├─169894 /usr/bin/goss -g /opt/cray/tests/install/ncn/suites/ncn-storage-tests.yaml --vars /tmp/goss-variables-1701460846-P7yxMI-temp.yaml serve --format json --max-concurrent 4 --endpoint /ncn-storage-tests --listen-addr
             └─169919 sleep infinity


To resolve this problem, simply restart goss-servers on the node with the error.

systemctl restart goss-servers

After restarting goss-servers, rerun systemctl status goss-servers to make sure there are the same number entries in CGroup as seen on a node without this problem.

Other possible causes of this error

If the above resolution did not fix the problem, there are two other possible causes of this issue.

  1. There is a yaml error in the test that is trying to be run. Evaluate the yaml file that is being run for any errors.

  2. The Goss tests were not able to load which can indicate the incorrect version of the csm-testing RPM is installed. Make sure that the correct versions of csm-testing and goss-servers rpm are installed on all NCNs. Run the following command on all NCNs.

    rpm -qa goss-servers csm-testing