Known Issue: RTS fails to restart after a worker node has been rebooted

After a system has been running a while and a worker node is rebooted either due to maintenance or failure, any RTS pod that is running on that worker node may not properly start up.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Check current status of RTS.
kubectl get pods -n services | egrep rts | egrep -v Running
services         cray-hms-rts-744577c9b5-fs287                 0/3     Init:0/2           0                 45m
services         cray-hms-rts-snmp-776695546-thxlb             0/3     Init:0/2           0                 45m

The RTS pods are looking for the cray-hms-rts-init job that indicates the prerequisites are ready but that job no longer exists because it has been cleaned up.


  1. (ncn-mw#) Generate a RTS init yaml from the manifest.
helm get manifest -n services cray-hms-rts | yq4 ea 'select(.kind == "Job")' > cray-hms-rts-init.yaml
  1. (ncn-mw#) Apply the RTS init yaml to get it created.
kubectl apply -n services -f cray-hms-rts-init.yaml
  1. (ncn-mw#) Wait for the RTS init job to complete.
while [ -z "$DONT_WAIT" -a "`kubectl get jobs -n services cray-hms-rts-init \
-o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[0].type}'`" != "Complete" ]; do \
echo "Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete"; sleep 3;  done; echo "Completed";
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
Waiting for cray-hms-rts-init to complete
  1. (ncn-mw#) Check to make sure RTS has properly been started.
kubectl get pods -n services | egrep rts
cray-hms-rts-dbbc87df4-rzrgl                                      3/3     Running            0                 4m20s
cray-hms-rts-init-vctgv                                           0/2     Completed          0                 104s
cray-hms-rts-snmp-776695546-zh4k4                                 3/3     Running            0                 24h