Spire Server Reports Database is in Recovery


There is a known issue where when the PostgreSQL cluster changes leader the cluster can enter a silent failure state where clients report the cluster is in recovery while it is not. This leads to clients not able to transact with the cluster leading to errors.


  • The spire-server or cray-spire-server pods may be in a CrashLoopBackOff state.

  • The spire-agent or cray-spire-agent pods may be in a CrashLoopBackOff state.

  • Services may fail to acquire tokens from the spire-server or cray-spire-server.

  • The spire-server or cray-spire-server pods contain the following error in the logs.

    2024-02-04T22:57:25.145365496Z time="2024-02-04T22:57:25Z" level=error msg="Could not generate TLS config for gRPC client" address="" error="get bundle from datastore: datastore-sql: pq: cannot set transaction read-write mode during recovery" subsystem_name=endpoints
  • The spire-agent or cray-spire-agent pods contain the following error in the logs.

    time="2024-02-26T22:24:55Z" level=error msg="Agent crashed" error="failed to get SVID: error getting attestation response from SPIRE server: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to attest: k8s-sat: unable to get agent info: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = datastore-sql: pq: cannot set transaction read-write mode during recovery"


  1. (ncn-mw#) Restart the Postgres cluster.

    • If the spire-server has the errors, restart the spire-postgres statefulset.

      kubectl -n spire rollout restart statefulset spire-postgres
    • If the cray-spire-server has the errors, restart the cray-spire-postgres statefulset.

      kubectl -n spire rollout restart statefulset cray-spire-postgres
  2. (ncn-mw#) Wait for the cluster to restart and check the logs to ensure that there is no more errors.