CSM Only Upgrade on a System with Other Products

This page provides guidance for systems with products installed that are performing an upgrade from a CSM v1.5.X release to the CSM v1.5.3 release.

The v1.5.3 upgrade page will refer to this page during Update NCN images.

If CSM is exclusively installed on the system, return to Update NCN images and choose option 2.


  • CSM_RELEASE_VERSION is set in the shell environment on ncn-m001. See Preparation for details on how it should be set.

  • Set CSM_RELEASE in the shell environment to the same value as CSM_RELEASE_VERSION.

    echo "${CSM_RELEASE}"


This process creates new NCN node images and CFS configurations in order to acquire any changes from CSM config. These images and CFS configurations will be assigned to the NCNs during this process. Later in the CSM v1.5.3 patch process, nodes will be rebooted into these images and the CFS configuration will be applied to the nodes.


Using sat bootprep with IUF generated input files

The name of the IUF activity used to install the HPE Cray EX software products must be known before proceeding. See the Activities section of the IUF documentation for more information on IUF activities. See list-activities for information about listing the IUF activities on the system. The first step provides an example showing how to find the IUF activity.

  1. (ncn-m001#) Find the IUF activity used for the most recent install of the system.

    iuf list-activities

    This will output a list of IUF activity names. For example, if only a single install has been performed on this system of the 24.01 recipe, the output may show a single line like this:

  2. (ncn-m001#) Record the most recent IUF activity name and directory in environment variables.

    export ACTIVITY_NAME=
    export ACTIVITY_DIR="/etc/cray/upgrade/csm/iuf/${ACTIVITY_NAME}"
  3. (ncn-m001#) Record the media directory used for this activity in an environment variable.

    export MEDIA_DIR="$(yq4 eval '.summary.media_dir' "${ACTIVITY_DIR}/state/stage_hist.yaml")"
    echo "${MEDIA_DIR}"

    This should display a path to a media directory. For example:

  4. (ncn-m001#) Create a directory for the sat bootprep input files and the session_vars.yaml file.

    This example uses a directory under the RBD mount used by the IUF:

    export BOOTPREP_DIR="/etc/cray/upgrade/csm/admin/bootprep-csm-${CSM_RELEASE}"
    mkdir -pv "${BOOTPREP_DIR}"
  5. (ncn-m001#) Copy the sat bootprep input file for management nodes into the directory.

    It is possible that the file name will differ from management-bootprep.yaml if a different file was used during the IUF activity.

    cp -pv "${MEDIA_DIR}/.bootprep-${ACTIVITY_NAME}/management-bootprep.yaml" "${BOOTPREP_DIR}"
  6. (ncn-m001#) Copy the session_vars.yaml file into the directory.

    cp -pv "${ACTIVITY_DIR}/state/session_vars.yaml" "${BOOTPREP_DIR}"

    Update the session_vars.yaml file as needed based on the product versions that are installed on the system.

  7. (ncn-m001#) Modify the CSM version in the copied session_vars.yaml:

    yq4 eval -i '.csm.version = "'"$CSM_RELEASE"'"' "${BOOTPREP_DIR}/session_vars.yaml"
  8. (ncn-m001#) Update the working_branch if one is used for the CSM product.

    By default, a working_branch is not used for the CSM product. Check if there is a working_branch specified for CSM:

    yq4 eval '.csm.working_branch' "${BOOTPREP_DIR}/session_vars.yaml"

    If this produces no output, a working_branch is not in use for the CSM product, and this step can be skipped. Otherwise, it shows the name of the working branch. For example:


    In this case, be sure to manually update the version string in the working branch to match the new working branch. Then check it again. For example:

    yq4 eval -i '.csm.working_branch = "integration-'"${CSM_RELEASE}"'"' "${BOOTPREP_DIR}/session_vars.yaml"
    yq4 eval '.csm.working_branch' "${BOOTPREP_DIR}/session_vars.yaml"

    This should output the name of the new CSM working branch.

  9. (ncn-m001#) Modify the default.suffix value in the copied session_vars.yaml:

    As long as the sat bootprep input file uses {{default.suffix}} in the names of the CFS configurations and IMS images, this will ensure new CFS configurations and IMS images are created with different names from the ones created in the IUF activity.

    yq4 eval -i '.default.suffix = "-csm-'"${CSM_RELEASE}"'"' "${BOOTPREP_DIR}/session_vars.yaml"
  10. (ncn-m001#) Change directory to the BOOTPREP_DIR and run sat bootprep.

    This will create a CFS configuration for management nodes, and it will use that CFS configuration to customize the images for the master, worker, and storage management nodes.

    cd "${BOOTPREP_DIR}"
    sat bootprep run --vars-file session_vars.yaml management-bootprep.yaml
  11. (ncn-m001#) Gather the CFS configuration name, and the IMS image names from the output of sat bootprep.

    sat bootprep will print a report summarizing the CFS configuration and IMS images it created. For example:

    CFS configurations
    | name                        |
    | management-22.4.0-csm-x.y.z |
    IMS images
    | name                        | preconfigured_image_id               | final_image_id                       | configuration               | configuration_group_names  |
    | master-secure-kubernetes    | c1bcaf00-109d-470f-b665-e7b37dedb62f | a22fb912-22be-449b-a51b-081af2d7aff6 | management-22.4.0-csm-x.y.z | Management_Master          |
    | worker-secure-kubernetes    | 8b1343c4-1c39-4389-96cb-ccb2b7fb4305 | 241822c3-c7dd-44f8-98ca-0e7c7c6426d5 | management-22.4.0-csm-x.y.z | Management_Worker          |
    | storage-secure-storage-ceph | f3dd7492-c4e5-4bb2-9f6f-8cfc9f60526c | 79ab3d85-274d-4d01-9e2b-7c25f7e108ca | storage-22.4.0-csm-x.y.z    | Management_Storage         |
    1. Save the names of the CFS configurations from the configuration column:

      Note that the storage node configuration might be titled minimal-management- or storage- depending on the value set in the sat bootprep file.

      The following uses the values from the example output above. Be sure to modify them to match the actual values.

      export KUBERNETES_CFS_CONFIG_NAME="management-22.4.0-csm-x.y.z"
      export STORAGE_CFS_CONFIG_NAME="storage-22.4.0-csm-x.y.z"
    2. Save the name of the IMS images from the final_image_id column:

      The following uses the values from the example output above. Be sure to modify them to match the actual values.

      export MASTER_IMAGE_ID="a22fb912-22be-449b-a51b-081af2d7aff6"
      export WORKER_IMAGE_ID="241822c3-c7dd-44f8-98ca-0e7c7c6426d5"
      export STORAGE_IMAGE_ID="79ab3d85-274d-4d01-9e2b-7c25f7e108ca"
  12. (ncn-m001#) Assign the images to the management nodes in BSS.

    • Master management nodes:

      /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/node_management/assign-ncn-images.sh -m -p "$MASTER_IMAGE_ID"
    • Storage management nodes:

      /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/node_management/assign-ncn-images.sh -s -p "$STORAGE_IMAGE_ID"
    • Worker management nodes:

      /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/node_management/assign-ncn-images.sh -w -p "$WORKER_IMAGE_ID"
  13. (ncn-m001#) Assign the CFS configuration to the management nodes.

    This deliberately only sets the desired configuration of the components in CFS. It disables the components and does not clear their configuration states or error counts. When the nodes are rebooted to their new images later in the CSM upgrade, they will automatically be enabled in CFS, and node personalization will occur.

    1. Get the xnames of the master and worker management nodes.

      WORKER_XNAMES="$(cray hsm state components list --role Management --subrole Worker --type Node --format json |
          jq -r '.Components | map(.ID) | join(",")')"
      MASTER_XNAMES="$(cray hsm state components list --role Management --subrole Master --type Node --format json |
          jq -r '.Components | map(.ID) | join(",")')"
    2. Apply the CFS configuration to master nodes and worker nodes using the xnames and CFS configuration name found in the previous steps.

      /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/configuration/apply_csm_configuration.sh \
          --no-config-change --config-name "${KUBERNETES_CFS_CONFIG_NAME}" --no-enable --no-clear-err \
          --xnames ${MASTER_XNAMES},${WORKER_XNAMES}

      Successful output will end with the following:

      All components updated successfully.
    3. Get the xnames of the storage management nodes.

      STORAGE_XNAMES="$(cray hsm state components list --role Management --subrole Storage --type Node --format json |
          jq -r '.Components | map(.ID) | join(",")')"
      echo "$STORAGE_XNAMES"
    4. Apply the CFS configuration to storage nodes using the xnames and CFS configuration name found in the previous steps.

      /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/configuration/apply_csm_configuration.sh \
          --no-config-change --config-name "${STORAGE_CFS_CONFIG_NAME}" --no-enable --no-clear-err \
          --xnames "${STORAGE_XNAMES}"

      Successful output will end with the following:

      All components updated successfully.

Return to CSM 1.5.3 patch

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