Argo Templates


This template will perform Nexus blobstore and repository setup. In its current form, the template requires a few parameters. Most parameters should be automatically obtained from the product installer’s IUF manifest file, but that functionality is not in place yet. The template leverages the cray-nexus-setup container. Since this template is still in development, it is using a specific non-production version of that image to support the IUF.

Developer usage

Argo will need to be told about the template. This can be done using argo template create as in the example below:

ncn-m001:~/rnoska/argo-nexus/test # argo -n argo template create nexus-setup-template.yaml
Name:                nexus-setup-template
Namespace:           argo
Created:             Wed Oct 12 18:18:46 +0000 (now)

The example below shows how to run the template using the current required parameters. The workflow will attempt to process the nexus_blob_stores and nexus_repositories files (named in iuf-manifest.yaml) relative to the host mounted product_host_path/product directory. This example will execute the workflow and requires a directory matching product_host_path which contains the product directory foo. The nexus_setup_image parameter specifies the current image and tag that is used to perform the underlying Nexus functions.

argo -n argo submit --from workflowtemplate/nexus-setup-template \
  -p product=foo \
  -p product_host_path=/root/rnoska/argo-nexus/products \
  -p \
  --parameter-file /root/rnoska/argo-nexus/products/foo/iuf-manifest.yaml \

You can view the current template by running:

argo -n argo template get nexus-setup-template -o yaml

If you wish to make changes, edit the template and then update the template in Argo by running:

argo -n argo template delete nexus-setup-template
argo -n argo template create nexus-setup-template.yaml


This template will upload docker images into Nexus. In its current form, the template requires a few parameters. Most parameters should be automatically obtained from the product installer’s IUF manifest file, but that functionality is not in place yet. The template requires a skopeo container image.

Create the template in Argo by running:

argo -n argo template create nexus-setup-template.yaml

The example below shows how to submit the template using the current required parameters. This example requires the existence of the product at $PRODUCTS_DIR/$PRODUCT and requires the $SKOPEO_IMAGE to be present in Nexus.


argo -n argo submit --from workflowtemplate/nexus-docker-upload-template \
  -p product=$PRODUCT \
  -p product_host_path=$PRODUCTS_DIR \
  -p nexus_docker_skopeo_image=$SKOPEO_IMAGE \
  --parameter-file $PRODUCTS_DIR/$PRODUCT/iuf-manifest.yaml \


This template will upload content for one or more type “raw” or “yum” repositories into Nexus.

Create the template in Argo by running:

argo -n argo template create nexus-rpm-upload-template.yaml

The example below shows how to submit the template using the current required parameters. This example requires the existence of the product at $PRODUCTS_DIR/$PRODUCT and requires the $NEXUS_SETUP_IMAGE to be present in Nexus.

argo -n argo submit --from workflowtemplate/nexus-rpm-upload-template \
  -p product=$PRODUCT \
  -p product_host_path=$PRODUCTS_DIR \
  -p nexus_setup_image=$NEXUS_SETUP_IMAGE \
  --parameter-file $PRODUCTS_DIR/$PRODUCT/iuf-manifest.yaml \