Argo Templates


This template will upload the current product’s git content to the gitea server. This operation is calling containerized code from cf-gitea-import. This template has a few required parameters:

All of these parameters may be overridden by passing them through Argo with -p parameter=foo

  • cf_import_gitea_org - Defaults to cray
  • cf_import_content_hostpath - Defaults to /content
  • cf_import_results_hostpath - Defaults to /results
    • This is the path on the management node where the product’s content and results will be stored, so it will be used as a volumeMount in the template.

Manifest parameters

Several parameters are being provided to the template through the product manifest file. This will be abstracted through the CLI API. For clarity, here are the explicit parameters:

  • cf_import_product_name
  • cf_import_product_version

To see the exact JSON path, examine the YAML.