In CSM 1.3 and newer, the sat command is automatically available on the Kubernetes control plane, but it is still possible to install SAT as a separate product stream. Any version of SAT installed as a separate product stream overrides the sat command available in CSM. Installing the SAT product stream allows additional supporting components to be added:

  • An entry for SAT in the cray-product-catalog Kubernetes ConfigMap is only created by installing the SAT product stream. Otherwise, there will be no entry for this version of SAT in the output of sat showrev.

  • The sat-install-utility container image is only available with the full SAT product stream. This container image provides uninstall and downgrade functionality when used with the prodmgr command. (In SAT 2.3 and older, SAT was only available to install as a separate product stream. Because these versions were packaged with sat-install-utility, it is still possible to uninstall these versions of SAT.)

  • The docs-sat RPM package is only available with the full SAT product stream.

  • The sat-config-management git repository in Gitea (VCS) and thus the SAT layer of NCN CFS configuration is only available with the full SAT product stream.

If the SAT product stream is not installed, there will be no configuration content for SAT in VCS. Therefore, CFS configurations that apply to management NCNs (for example, management-23.5.0) should not include a SAT layer.

The SAT configuration layer modifies the permissions of files left over from prior installations of SAT, so that the Keycloak username that authenticates to the API gateway cannot be read by users other than root. Specifically, it does the following:

  • Modifies the sat.toml configuration file which contains the username so that it is only readable by root.

  • Modifies the /root/.config/sat/tokens directory so that the directory is only readable by root. This is needed because the names of the files within the tokens directory contain the username.

Regardless of the SAT configuration being applied, passwords and the contents of the tokens are never readable by other users. These permission changes only apply to files created by previous installations of SAT. In the current version of SAT all files and directories are created with the appropriate permissions.