Changes in SAT 2.2

SAT 2.2.16 was released on February 25th, 2022.

This version of the SAT product included:

  • Version 3.14.0 of the sat python package and CLI
  • Version 1.6.4 of the sat-podman wrapper script
  • Version 1.0.4 of the sat-cfs-install container image and Helm chart

It also added the following new components:

  • Version 1.4.3 of the sat-install-utility container image
  • Version 2.0.2 of the cfs-config-util container image

The following sections detail the changes in this release.

Known Issues in SAT 2.2

sat Command Unavailable in sat bash Shell

After launching a shell within the SAT container with sat bash, the sat command will not be found.

((CONTAINER_ID) sat-container#) Here is an example output after running sat status:

bash: sat: command not found

((CONTAINER_ID) sat-container#) This can be resolved temporarily in one of two ways. /sat/venv/bin/ may be prepended to the $PATH environment variable:

export PATH=/sat/venv/bin:$PATH
sat status

((CONTAINER_ID) sat-container#) Another option is to source the file /sat/venv/bin/activate:

source /sat/venv/bin/activate
sat status

Tab Completion Unavailable in sat bash Shell

After launching a shell within the SAT container with sat bash, tab completion for sat commands does not work.

((CONTAINER_ID) sat-container#) This can be resolved temporarily by sourcing the file /etc/bash_completion.d/sat-completion.bash:

source /etc/bash_completion.d/sat-completion.bash

OCI Runtime Permission Error when Running sat in Root Directory

sat commands will not work if the current directory is /.

(ncn-m001#) Here is an example output after running sat --help:

Error: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:545: container init caused: open /dev/console: operation not permitted: OCI runtime permission denied error

To resolve, run sat in another directory.

Duplicate Mount Error when Running sat in Configuration Directory

sat commands will not work if the current directory is ~/.config/sat.

(ncn-m001#) Here is an example output after running sat --help:

Error: /root/.config/sat: duplicate mount destination

To resolve, run sat in another directory.

New sat Commands

  • sat bootprep automates the creation of CFS configurations, the build and customization of IMS images, and the creation of BOS session templates. For more information, see SAT Bootprep.
  • sat slscheck performs a check for consistency between the System Layout Service (SLS) and the Hardware State Manager (HSM).
  • sat bmccreds provides a simple interface for interacting with the System Configuration Service (SCSD) to set BMC Redfish credentials.
  • sat hwhist displays hardware component history by XName (location) or by its Field-Replaceable Unit ID (FRUID). This command queries the Hardware State Manager (HSM) API to obtain this information. Since the sat hwhist command supports querying for the history of a component by its FRUID, the FRUID of components has been added to the output of sat hwinv.

Additional Install Automation

The following automation has been added to the install script,

  • Wait for the completion of the sat-config-import Kubernetes job, which is started when the sat-cfs-install Helm chart is deployed.
  • Automate the modification of the CFS configuration, which applies to master management NCNs (for example, ncn-personalization).

Changes to Product Catalog Data Schema

The SAT product uploads additional information to the cray-product-catalog Kubernetes ConfigMap detailing the components it provides, including container (Docker) images, Helm charts, RPMs, and package repositories.

This information is used to support uninstall and downgrade of SAT product versions moving forward.

Support for Uninstall and Downgrade of SAT Versions

Beginning with the 2.2 release, SAT now provides partial support for the uninstall and downgrade of the SAT product stream.

For more information, see Uninstall: Remove a Version of SAT and Downgrade: Switch Between SAT Versions.

Improvements to sat status

A Subrole column has been added to the output of sat status. This allows easy differentiation between master, worker, and storage nodes in the management role, for example.

Hostname information from SLS has been added to sat status output.

Added Support for JSON Output

Support for JSON-formatted output has been added to commands which currently support the --format option, such as hwinv, status, and showrev.

Usability Improvements

Many usability improvements have been made to multiple sat commands, mostly related to filtering command output. The following are some highlights:

  • Added --fields option to display only specific fields for subcommands which display tabular reports.
  • Added ability to filter on exact matches of a field name.
  • Improved handling of multiple matches of a field name in --filter queries so that the first match is used, similar to --sort-by.
  • Added support for --filter, --fields, and --reverse for summaries displayed by sat hwinv.
  • Added borders to summary tables generated by sat hwinv.
  • Improved documentation in the man pages.

Default Log Level Changed

The default log level for stderr has been changed from “WARNING” to “INFO”. For more information, see Update SAT Logging.

More Granular Log Level Configuration Options

With the command-line options --loglevel-stderr and --loglevel-file, the log level can now be configured separately for stderr and the log file.

The existing --loglevel option is now an alias for the --loglevel-stderr option.

Podman Wrapper Script Improvements

The Podman wrapper script is the script installed at /usr/bin/sat on the master management NCNs by the cray-sat-podman RPM that runs the cray-sat container in podman. The following subsections detail improvements that were made to the wrapper script in this release.

Mounting of $HOME and Current Directories in cray-sat Container

The Podman wrapper script that launches the cray-sat container with podman has been modified to mount the user’s current directory and home directory into the cray-sat container to provide access to local files in the container.

Podman Wrapper Script Documentation Improvements

The man page for the Podman wrapper script, which is accessed by typing man sat on a master management NCN, has been improved to document the following:

  • Environment variables that affect execution of the wrapper script
  • Host files and directories mounted in the container

Fixes to Podman Wrapper Script Output Redirection

Fixed issues with redirecting stdout and stderr, and piping output to commands, such as awk, less, and more.

Configurable HTTP Timeout

A new sat option has been added to configure the HTTP timeout length for requests to the API gateway. For more information, refer to sat-man sat.

sat bootsys Improvements

Many improvements and fixes have been made to sat bootsys. The following are some highlights:

  • Added the --excluded-ncns option, which can be used to omit NCNs from the platform-services and ncn-power stages in case they are inaccessible.
  • Disruptive shutdown stages in sat bootsys shutdown now prompt the user to continue before proceeding. A new option, --disruptive, will bypass this.
  • Improvements to Ceph service health checks and restart during the platform-services stage of sat bootsys boot.

sat xname2nid Improvements

sat xname2nid can now recursively expand slot, chassis, and cabinet XNames to a list of NIDs in those locations.

A new --format option has been added to sat xname2nid. It sets the output format to either “range” (the default) or “NID”. The “range” format displays NIDs in a compressed range format suitable for use with a workload manager like Slurm.

Usage of v2 HSM API

The commands which interact with HSM (for example, sat status and sat hwinv) now use the v2 HSM API.

sat diag Limited to HSN Switches

sat diag will now only operate against HSN switches by default. These are the only controllers that support running diagnostics with HMJTD.

sat showrev Enhancements

A column has been added to the output of sat showrev that indicates whether a product version is “active”. The definition of “active” varies across products, and not all products may set an “active” version.

For SAT, the active version is the one with its hosted-type package repository in Nexus set as the member of the group-type package repository in Nexus, meaning that it will be used when installing the cray-sat-podman RPM.

cray-sat Container Image Size Reduction

The size of the cray-sat container image has been approximately cut in half by leveraging multi-stage builds. This also improved the repeatability of the unit tests by running them in the container.

Bug Fixes

Minor bug fixes were made in cray-sat and in cray-sat-podman. For full change lists, refer to each repository’s file.